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常常拥抱和偎依。Hug and snuggle more often.

快条到被子里去,我来给你盖好。Now, snuggle right down and I'll tuck up.

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在一个寒冷的周日早晨大家一起赖床。Snuggle together in bed on a cold Sunday morning.

依偎在他身上,开始甜甜的切切私语。Snuggle up close to him, and whisper sweet-nothings.

依偎在一起为你们最爱的球队加油打气。Snuggle up together as you cheer onyour favorite team.

依偎在了我们的床垫礼帽娇生惯养的支持。Snuggle down in cosseted support on our Mattress Topper.

晚饭后,握着你配偶的手依偎在沙发上温存Snuggle on the couch after dinner and hold your spouses hand.

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和你最新的恋人在复印件后面卿卿我我也是不合时宜的。Nor is it OK to snuggle up behind the copier with your latest crush.

他们是让您有工作的冲动还是使你昏昏欲睡呢?Do they make you want to work or do they make you want to snuggle and sleep?

格卢利克附近,两头大西洋海象在浮冰上相互偎依。Two Atlantic walruses snuggle on an ice floe near Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada.

无论你选择什么样的方式,我都希望你是和一个可以相依偎的人一起哦!Which ever one you chose, I hope you are with someone you can snuggle up next to!

做一大碗爆米花并且大家一起依偎在DVD前面看家庭剧。Make a large bowl of popcorn and snuggle in front of the DVD to watch a family movie.

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钱曼媛当即去找琴子,却发现曾楚南与琴子紧紧依偎。Qian Manyuan immediately went to the piano, but found that Chunan and Kotoko snuggle.

那一天我漫步在夕阳下,看见一对恋人相互依偎。That day I walk in the sunset, the sight of a pair of lovers snuggle with each other.

一项新的研究表明,这种昆虫会依偎在掉下来的同伴尸体旁,作为一种逃避寄生蜂攻击的方法。The insects snuggle with fallen comrades as a way to evade parasitic wasps, a new study suggests.

晚餐结束后,随着音乐缓缓起舞,然后依偎一起共同欣赏一部爱情电影。Once dinner is over, dance slowly to your song. Then snuggle as you watch a romantic flick together.

你们可以在说晚安之前在床上依偎在一起,或者当你们一起看电视转播的足球赛时,或者就在随便一个慵懒的下午。Snuggle in bed before saying goodnight, while you watch football on TV, or just on a lazy afternoon.

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一个小小的,惹人喜爱的娃娃,孩子们可以抱着。这是相对玩具来说更舒服的物品。A small, cuddly doll to snuggle with on long rides. This is more of a comfort object than a plaything.

他依偎着他爸爸,凝视着我丈夫的眼睛,告诉他自己曾是他的父亲。He would snuggle up with his dad and stare into my husband’s eyes and tell him that he was his father.

在温暖的夏夜猪互相依偎,喜欢鼻子对鼻子入睡。On warm summer nights pigs snuggle up close to one another and for some reason like to sleep nose to nose.