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不要无视我的痛苦。Yael, don't trivialize my pain.

太多的影片把暴力描述成是平凡的事。Too many films trivialize violence.

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不要淡化问题的严重性。Don't trivialize the seriousness of the issue!

不要小看这问题的严重性!Don't trivialize the seriousness of the issue!

因此不要使用简单的口令很重要。It is therefore important to not trivialize your passwords.

这个简单的例子仅用于说明问题,并不意味着回滚就是这么简单。This simple example is meant to be illustrative, not to trivialize rollback.

他们趋于淡化的危险,他们接受了类似行动。They are tending to trivialize the risk they undergo with suchlike operation.

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你可以,我不知道,看淡它,看淡当中人们做出的所有的努力。you sort of, I don't know, trivialize this, all the work that people put into it.

若容忍了他的学说,则似乎让它看似平凡,视其为无害。To tolerate his teaching would seem to trivialize it in some sense, to render it harmless.

你就别在我的伤口上撒盐了。我正遭受着打击呢,并且我准备用科学的手段使自己振作起来。Yael, don't trivialize my pain. I'm really hurting, and I've got the science to back me up.

尽管我使用了一个简单的示例进行说明,但是我并没有要刻意忽略这项重构技巧的复杂性。Although I'm using a simple example for illustrative purposes I don't mean to trivialize the possible complexity of this refactoring technique.

伊莲娜和教授上床的风波,休止于第二季的开场,这件事在最大程度上弱化了她对学习上的投入。The Elena-sleeps-with-her-professor plotline, dropped at the beginning of the second season, served mostly to trivialize Elena's dedication to her studies.

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更坏的是,大多数州的立法机构,对破坏联邦规定的55英里车速极限法令的行为,起了推波助澜的作用,有些州通过的条例,罚款为数之微简直使这类违法行为成了小事一桩。Worse, most state legislatures have helped subvert popular compliance with the federal 55 m. p. h. law, some of them by enacting puny fines that trivialize transgressions.

工作分解形式的计划很难成功预测,其必须使事物分解,而在分解后常常丧失指导和预测性。Work breakdown-style planning is not properly situated to successfully predict. It must trivialize to succeed, and, in trivializing, it often fails to either guide or predict.

隆伯格一再地以比例来谈灭绝物种的数量,他只是想说明问题的规模呢,或者是大事化小、小事化无的手法呢?When Lomborg restates the number of lost species as a percentage of total species, is he simply showing the true size of the problem or is he perhaps also trying to trivialize it?