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降本增效呼唤标准化管理。Cost down need standardization management.

标准化的基本概念和标准件。Concepts of standardization and standard parts.

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对于厂商来说,标准化是一把双刃剑。For vendors, standardization is a two-edged sword.

最后介绍了城域网的标准化工作情况。Finally, standardization works in MAN are introduced.

应用线性插值法对指标进行标准化。The method of standardization was linear inner insert.

零件“三化”程度高,配件及维修方便。Part highly in standardization and easy in maintenance.

参与标准化工作在濮院蔚然成风。Participation in standardization work in PUYUAN prevail.

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零件“三化”程度高,配件及维修方便。The part highly in standardization and easy in maintenance.

虽然标准化尚不完全,但也正在不断进行。Although standardization is not yet complete, it is progressing.

世界卫生组织生物制品标准化专家委员会的报告Report of the WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization

工作标准化,即把工作惯例化或日常化。One, standardization work, or the work practices of the day-to-day.

这种标准化的一个例子是应用程序的打包。One example of this standardization is the packaging of applications.

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美,英,加,澳军队标准化纲要。American, British, Canadian, Australian Armies Standardization Program.

以外标法计算乌拉地尔缓释胶囊的含量。The content of urapidil is calculated by external standardization method.

对办公文档格式进行标准化的要求非常强烈。The demand for standardization of office document formats is very strong.

案例部分,选取了呼和浩特市标准化猪场改扩建项目。The case part, selected the Huhhot standardization pig farm as an example.

地名标准化包括政治标准和语文标准。Toponym standardization should meet both political and literate standards.

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标准化一方面会降低灵活性和选择的自由度。On one hand, standardization reduces flexibility and the freedom of choice.

研究人员还应努力为标准化的定义条款。Researchers should also strive for a standardization of definitional terms.

这种另辟新径的方法恰是NFC缺乏标准化的一个例子。This work-around is just one example of the lack of standardization with NFC.