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委内瑞拉大草原上的水蟒。An anaconda in the Llanos of Venezuela.

他名叫南多,来自委内瑞拉。His name was Nando, and he was from Venezuela.

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2005年,巴西和委内瑞拉在这方面一马当先。The first to do so were Brazil and Venezuela in 2005.

他已经航行经过像委内瑞拉和秘鲁这样的地方。He has voyaged through places like Venezuela and Peru.

就明天晚上的,男排,中国对委内瑞拉。It's for volleyball, tomorrow evening. China vs Venezuela.

委内瑞拉里奥什考,一只狗躺在被洪水入侵的房间的架子上。A dog lies on a shelf in a flooded house in Rio Chico, Venezuela.

同时他也抢劫了马拉开波湖附近委内瑞拉的海岸线He also raided the coastline of Venezuela around the Lake Maracaibo.

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委内瑞拉表示将派出一个50人之多的“人道主义援助小组。”Venezuela says it will send a 50-strong"humanitarian assistance team".

罗赖马山位于巴西、圭亚那和委内瑞拉三国交界处。Mount Roraima staddles the border between Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela.

同日,中委双方发表了联合新闻公报。On the same day, China and Venezuela issued the joint press communiqué.

委内瑞拉是全世界整容手术率最高的国家之一。Venezuela has one of the highest rates of cosmetic surgery in the world.

请关注委内瑞拉极度濒危的棱皮龟。Watch out of Venezuela on the critically endangered leatherback turtles.

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同时,政治上的骚乱困扰像委内瑞拉、尼日利亚这样的生产国。Political turmoil, meanwhile, besets producers like Venezuela and Nigeria.

这次事件使委内瑞拉和哥伦比亚之间原本紧张的关系火上浇油。The killings have fueled growing intension between Venezuela and Columbia.

图为一位工人正在位于委内瑞拉克罗尼的蒙特罗萨种植园收获可可。A worker harvested cacao at the Monterosa plantation in Choroni, Venezuela.

委内瑞拉总统雨果·查维兹开始着手把石油企业国有化。President Hugo Chavez has moved to nationalize oil operations in Venezuela.

他给出了新加坡和委内瑞拉的下例子来证明这一点。As evidence he offers the contrasting experiences of Singapore and Venezuela.

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厄瓜多和委内瑞拉也要求他们的军队采取行动对抗矿工。Ecuador and Venezuela have also asked their armies to act against the miners.

艾阿拉是委内瑞拉人,家里7代都是马戏表演家。Mr Ayala and his family are seventh generation circus artistes from Venezuela.

而伊朗、俄罗斯、委内瑞拉和所有欧佩克的强盗们正在击掌相庆。And Iran, Russia, Venezuela and the whole OPEC gang are high-fiving each other.