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渗出,流出渗出液体,如植物的液汁。To exude a fluid such as sap.

烈日晒得她冒汗。The hot sun made her exude sweat.

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激情洋溢,充满活力,热力四射。Exude Passion, Energy, and Enthusiasm.

明亮的紫色可以散发出一种有魔力的感觉。Brighter purples can exude a magical feeling.

他们散发着热情,游兴趣和快乐。They exude passion, playfulness, and pleasure.

这样的人浑身散发着间接的愤怒和憎恶。Such people exude an indistinct anger and hatred.

他们的作品流露出一种无法无天和绝望的气氛。Their films exude a tone oflawlessness and despair.

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桂花盛开,散发短暂的淡香。Osmanthus bloom and exude their short-lived fragrance.

一旦你遇到一个女孩,你要慢慢刘露出性的魅力。As soon as you meet a girl, you have to exude sexuality.

那些充分显露自信的人好像天生就是成功的胚子。People who exude confidence really seem to have it made.

这就是最好的信心,使年节销售。This is the best way to exude confidence and make sales.

你想要散发出文雅和华贵的感觉。You want to exude refinement and a sense of rich luxury.

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只畱丅内份泛黄旳承诺。Only leaves behind that share to exude the yellow pledge.

你可能做出了要费好多力气才能让你高兴的暗示。You may just exude the aura of lots of work to keep happy.

瓢虫的腿关节能分泌出黄色的毒汁。Ladybirds can exude a drop of poison from their leg joints. A yellow fluid.

但是使用特殊的燃料将不会带来成功的甜蜜味道。But vehicles using the novel product will not exude the sweet smell of success.

色彩权威机构潘通公司最近刚研发出一种新的色系,旨在体现“希望、欢乐与乐观”。Pantone has just invented a new shade, designed to exude "hope, joy and optimism".

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没有什么词语能够形容只有莎尔玛那完美身材才能散发出来的火热。No words can describe the hotness that only a woman of Salma’s proportions could possibly exude.

穿着合身的衣服,让你昂首阔步,流露出无比的自信。By wearing clothes that fit you well you’ll walk taller,straighter, exude confidence and just feel great.

穿着合身的衣服,让你昂首阔步,流露出无比的自信。By wearing clothes that fit you well you’ll walk taller, straighter, exude confidence and just feel great.