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地球的极点称作北极和南极。The South Pole and the North Pole are antipodes.

这种兔子在澳大利亚及新西兰没有天敌。This rabbit had no natural enemies in the Antipodes.

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澳洲交友接待网络,提供的澳大利亚和新西兰信息尤其是精华。An Australian hospitality network, with the antipodes particularly well represented.

基本的土地坦克称为克星,并可能,是第一鸭血人类巨人。Basic land tank is called Nemesis, and, probably, it is the first Antipodes human Goliath.

这个一氧化碳合成方法也可以制备任何一个旋光对映体。This approach to carbonyl compounds also allows the synthesis of either optical antipodes.

当然,想到这些方面的细微处,彼此间的差异则是很大的。Of course, the range between these antipodes was huge given the minute degrees of subtlety that resided between them.

这些兔子在新西兰和澳大利亚没有天敌,因此凭借其混杂交配的特性而迅速增加。This rabbit had no natural enemies in the Antipodes , so that it multiplied with that promiscuous abandon characteristic of rabbits.

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中东、俄罗斯、非洲这些过去鲜有人问津的地区,目前正是义乌企业开疆拓地的热土。In the Middle East, Russia, Africa in the past few buyers of these areas, it is now Yiwu enterprises break hot spot for the antipodes.

我知道那人跑到英国的对跖地,为他的妻子挣得了一份财产,他自会排除万难、千方百计找到她的。I knew that the man who had gone to the antipodes , and won a fortune for his wife, would leave no stone unturned in his efforts to find her.

通过在接收端引人等效对跖点,将短波对跖通信转化成了若干个等效对跖通信链路。The authors introduce equivalent antipodes at the receiver to transform the antipodal propagation to several equivalent point-to-point communication systems.

随着互联网的兴起,人们认为我们会住在地球村里面,在这里人们可以和澳大利亚以及新西兰的人交朋友就像在他们自己所在的大街上一样。The rise of the internet was supposed to create a global village, in which people would be as likely to have friends in the antipodes as in their own street.

互联网的兴起使人们期望创建地球村,在那儿,人们与天南海北的人交朋友,可能像在自家门口一样。JupiterTHE rise of the internet was supposed to create a global village, in which people would be as likely to have friends in the antipodes as in their own street.