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人的因素是一个多样性的问题。The human element is a multifarious issue.

他们无力承担这些五花八门的开支。They can ill afford the multifarious expenses.

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西班牙是多种传统和多个民族的合成体。Spain is a composite of multifarious traditions and people.

道岔区内病害形式多种多样。The kinds of diseases of the turnout zone are multifarious.

如此快速的发展,原因当然是多方面的。The reasons for this fast increase must have been multifarious.

我们所有的人都有各种各样的态度,这是我们的痛苦。All of us have multifarious attitudes, which results in our pain. We.

萌生于频繁征战的秦文化先天具有军事性。There is a military character in Qin s culture which is born in multifarious wars.

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将素描做为一切造型艺术的基点来强调,其意义是多方面的。It has multifarious meaning to emphasize Drawing as the basic point of plastic arts.

位于偏僻繁杂马路边上。很小的门帘和精致的橱柜台。Located in remote multifarious the curb. Small door curtain and delicate ambry stage.

我喜欢看他们如何工作、玩耍、休息,以及忙于日常生计的种种喧闹情况。I loved to see them at their work and play and rest, and in their multifarious goings and comings.

因特网不只作为新媒体起作用,而且赋予我们关于错综关系的新视野。Internet not only acts as a useful media, but also gives us a new vision of multifarious relations.

从设问角度上看,逐渐从二十世纪八、九十年代的单一,过渡到现在的灵活、多元。Judging from the angles of asking, it changed from single in 1980-1990 to nimble, multifarious now.

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过于复杂的造型、过于繁杂的花色,均不适宜设计简洁的房间。Too too complex modelling, multifarious design and color, all the room with unsuited concise design.

全国政协委员王超斌认为,名目繁多的收费项目在一定程度上拉升了房价,也导致了部分部门的腐败。Wang Chaobin, a CPPCC member said the multifarious charges have pushed prices high and led to graft.

圣西蒙夏墩埃经繁杂的工艺配置造成,是一款具有浓郁的柑橘芳香的葡萄酒。Holy Simon summer piers by multifarious craft configuration Evans, is a strong citrus aromas of wine.

实际上,消磨时间只是时间用以消磨我们五花八门的方式的又一种方式而已。英国作家西特韦尔。In reality killing time is only the name for another of the multifarious ways by which time kills us.

十章虽内容有别,繁简不同,然前后相应,密不可分。The ten chapters explain multifarious contents but are contextual corresponding and structural complete.

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在语言教学法变化的环境下,对以任务为基础的语言教学开始产生兴趣。It is in the context of these multifarious changes that interest in task-based language learning has begun.

目的对临床各类型的休克进行ICD-10编码分析,保证休克编码质量。Objective To analyze multifarious clinical shocks by ICD-10 and ensure the quality of the coding of shocks.

现代主义用减法去掉繁杂的装饰、非本质的功能和情感。Modernistic with function of the adornment with subtraction multifarious take out, nonessential and affection.