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我把那本作文选揉皱了,揩黑了。I made the book crinkle and black with a mess.

人造纤维织物一般没有棉织物那么容易起皱。rayon is not so easy to crinkle as cotton fabric.

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一不小心,可能就会把她揉皱甚至出现裂痕。A less careful caress may make it crinkle or crack.

人造纤维织物一般没有棉织物那么容易起皱。Rayon is not easy to get crinkle than cotton fabric.

鱼子酱和一卷金叶在边缘闪耀,下面是一层层奶油冻和大闸蟹。Caviar and a crinkle of gold leaf shone just inside the rim.

她的额头和眼睛丝毫没有皱纹,她的脸颊也丝毫没有松弛。Not a crinkle on her brow, crow's-feet by her eyes, or the slightest sag to her cheeks.

了解如何添加来自经验丰富的工匠在这个自由钩针视频更多与技巧起皱。Learn how to add more crinkle with tips from an experienced artisan in this free crochet video.

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杨树皱叶病是在黑龙江省杨树人工林中新发现的病害。Poplar crinkle disease is a new discovered in artificial poplar forest in Heilongjiang province.

在上一部电影中,我的化妆还算标准,不过现在,他们开始在我的脸上画皱纹。In the last film, I had a fairly standard make-up on, but now, they're starting to crinkle my face.

我们的专家在这里教你如何使用这个免费视频炊具叶片卷曲切曼陀林。Our expert is here to teach you how to use crinkle cut mandoline blades in this free video on cooking utensils.

早春的时辰,她混身绿茸茸的,又脆又嫩。倘谁一不警惕,就会把她揉皱,捻出裂纹。Mossy green envelops her in the early spring, crispy and soft. A less careful caress may make it crinkle or crack.

初春的时候,他浑身绿茸茸的,又脆又嫩。倘谁一不小心,就会把他揉皱,捻出裂纹。Mossy green envelops his in the early spring, crispy and soft. A less careful caress may make it crinkle or crack.

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寄给我礼物包装纸被撕开的声音和孩子们打开礼物并四处炫耀时的啊呀声。Send the crinkle and tear of wrapping paper and the oohs and aahs that punctuate each gift as it is exposed and shown around.

我公司提供各种面料压绉加工,转印,欢迎新老客户垂询!Our company provides crinkle processing for many kinds of fabric , heat transfer, welcome both new and old customers for inquiring.

之后他们看到一张躺著一个人的褥子,从房顶的洞缒到耶稣面前,他们便眯起眼睛笑起来了。Then those eyes crinkle with smiles as they see a pallet lowered through a hole in the roof to bring a man right in front of Jesus.

实验结果表明,在高频脉冲电流作用下铸铁石墨片细化,石墨片变得卷曲,共晶团尺寸减小。The results show that high frequency pulse electric current can refine and crinkle graphite flake, decrease the dimension of eutectic cell.

并且,各年龄段的人们都在椅子下乱扔果皮纸屑,把玉米花木盆或杯子里的碎冰和苏打仍在地板上。And people of all ages crinkle candy wrappers, stick gum on their seats, and drop popcorn tubs or cups of crushed ice and soda on the floor.

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两者的悬垂性和经向折皱回复性相差不大,纯涤纶麂皮绒的纬向折皱回复性较好。The drape and warp crinkle recovery of the two suedes are similar with its weft crinkle recovery of the sueded made of pure polyester being better.

并做到喷涂均匀,无明显起皱、流挂、附着良好。油漆的种类、遍数、保层的厚度应符合设计要求。Painting should be even without evident crinkle or painting flow, and description, times and thickness of painting layer should be in conformance with design requirements.

汽车覆盖件结构较大,形状不规则且复杂,在成形中非常容易出现拉裂、起皱等现象。However, due to the large-size of its structure and irregular and complicated shape, some defects such as tension fracture and crinkle always emerge in the process of molding.