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也许比Godiva的还好。Maybe even better than Godiva.

我很喜欢Godiva巧克力。I really enjoy Godiva chocolate.

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但是纽约市遍地都是Godiva的商店。But they have Godiva shops all over New York City.

最近,有人送了我一盒高迪瓦巧克力做礼物。Recently someone gave me a box of Godiva chocolates as a gift.

在葛黛瓦夫人骑马穿过大街时,只有一个裁缝偷看了。Only one man, a tailor, had watched Lady Godiva as she rode through the streets.

这当然是“中档”巧克力,不太一样好戈德瓦或见的。These are definitely "mid-range" chocolates, not quite as good as Godiva or See's.

葛黛瓦是考文垂勋爵的漂亮太太。她生活在十一世纪。Godiva was the beautiful wife of Lord of Coventry. She lived in the eleventh century.

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这张种有毒的橙色戈代娃裸鳃照片是在印度尼西亚巴布亚岛的拉贾邦安拨群岛拍摄的。This toxic orange Godiva nudibranch was photographed in the Raja Ampat islands, Papua, Indonesia.

但是当明牌巧克力糖没了,真爱的礼物是有一人将和你走长远的路。But when the Godiva is gone, the gift of real love is having someone who'll go the distance with you.

葛黛瓦夫人恳求丈夫怜悯百姓,但她那铁石心肠的丈夫毫不动心。Lady Godiva asked her husband to have mercy on the people , but her stony-hearted husband showed no pity.

所以葛黛瓦劝说他的丈夫减轻税赋,他刚开始很不乐意,后来答应了,但是有个条件。So when Godiva persuaded her reluctant husband to reduce their tax burden, he agreed to do so at a price.

编造出来的这个虔诚的葛黛瓦夫人的故事能够吸引朝圣者,因此也可以增加考文垂财政收入。A tale was made up about the pious Lady Godiva in order to attract pilgrims, and therefore, revenue, to Coventry.

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在情人节带您的情人外游浪漫庆祝,荷航即送您GODIVA巧克力一盒!Treat your loved one for a trip to Bangkok as your Valentine's Day celebration and KLM will give you a box of GODIVA chocolate!

这个传说是在一位叫歌蒂芙的贵妇人死后才出现的,据说这位夫人就是歌蒂瓦夫人的原型。The legend only came about 200 years after the death of Godifu, a noblewoman who is believed to be the inspiration for Lady Godiva.

在得到巧克力球对人体健康有益的结论之前,零食家们也许会思考一下研究的不足之处。But before concluding that a box of Godiva truffles is health food, chocolate lovers may want to consider some of the study’s weaknesses.

该城拥有全世界最大的两家巧克力公司——Godiva和Leonidas,还有许多较小的巧克力商店。The city is home to two of the biggest chocolate companies in the world, Godiva and Leonidas, as well as many smaller chocolate boutiques.

戈黛娃夫人果真照著他的话去做,向全市宣告命令所有人躲在屋内并拉下窗户后,她赤身裸体、只披著一头长发骑马绕行街道。Lady Godiva took him at his word and, after issuing a proclamation that all persons should keep within doors or shut their windows, she rode through, clothed only in her long hair.

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依据传说,戈黛娃夫人为了争取减免身为考文垂伯爵的丈夫强加于市民们的重税,裸体骑马绕行考文垂的大街。According to legend, Lady Godiva rode naked on horseback through city in order for her husband, lord of the city of Coventry, to repeal the oppressive taxes he was imposing on the people.