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尼克在哪里?Where’s Nick?

我是尼克My name's Nick.

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谢谢你,尼克。Thank you, Nick.

大点声说Nick. Shout it out.

是的,尼克拉特克利夫。Yes, Nick Ratcliffe.

他没有朝尼克望一眼。He did not look at Nick.

现在,尼克有了他的歌唱家。Now Nick has his vocalists.

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尼克后来也得到了他的帐篷。And Nick did get his teepee.

“好家伙,”尼克悲哀地说道。“Man,” Nick said, dolefully.

小手套在尼克旁边蜷成一团。Mittens curls up next to Nick.

我实际上脑子里想的是尼克。I was actually thinking of Nick.

谢谢你这样说,尼克。Thank you for saying that, Nick.

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尼克今天戴着一顶蓝帽子。Nick is wearing a blue hat today.

尼克眯起眼睛吸着烟。Nick squinted over his cigarette.

“我不晓得到底他干下了什么事情?”尼克说。"I wonder what he did?" Nick said.

尼克·海厄姆回顾他的一生。Nick Higham looks back at his life.

尼克靠在了我的工具箱上。Nick leaned back against my toolbox.

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接二连三的返修简直活活要了尼克的命。THE RECHECKS WERE eating Nick alive.

Nick和Veronica开门走进了一间乡村小屋。Nick opens the door to a rustic cabin.

尼克告诉我说,你以前也曾经跟车打过交道。Nick told me you used to work on cars.