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卢娄,主要拉瓦尔师范学校,谁陪同主教。Rouleau , principal of the Laval Normal School, who accompanied Mgr.

阿法拉伐集团的历史可追溯到1883年的瑞典,当时古斯塔夫-德-拉伐博士发明了奶油分离器。The Alfa Laval Group was originally founded in Sweden in 1883 by Gustaf De Laval.

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第一个倡导国家统一清单的是L大学的一名研究员。One of the first advocates for a national list was a researcher at Laval University.

构建了湿蒸汽实验系统并进行了蒸汽湿度测量的实验研究。A wet steam experiment system is established with a Laval nozzle generating wet steam.

文中所用喷管的参数取自宝钢300吨转炉五孔氧枪喷头。In the paper, the parameters of Laval nozzle use the sprayer of Baosteel'300t converter.

根据试验结果,采用缩放喷嘴作为反应器的能量输入装置。According to the result of experiment, the Laval nozzle is used as the input unit of ALR.

阿法拉伐在全球范围内提供专业产品及工程解决方案。Alfa Laval is a leading global provider of specialized products and engineering solutions.

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利乐拉伐为一家私有工业集团公司,它成立于瑞典,总部现在瑞士。Tetra Laval is a private industry group of Swedish origins, now headquartered in Switzerland.

这一特性使得拉伐尔喷管掺混器在石油、化工领域具有非常广泛的应用前景。Its special character makes the Laval nozzle mixer has a wide scope in oil and chemical industry.

至今,阿法拉伐在全球范围内提供专业的产品及工程解决方案。Now Alfa Laval has become a leading global provider of specialized products and engineered solutions.

作为超音速电弧喷枪的关键部件之一,拉瓦尔喷嘴设计一直是人们研究的一个重点。As one of the key parts of a super-sonic arc-spraying gun, the Laval nozzle design is still a pivot for researchers.

魁北克拉瓦尔大学的研究者在占较大比例的加拿大人中选了276人,并对其进行了长达6年的观察研究。Researchers at Laval University in Quebec looked at 276 people for six years who were part of a larger Canadian study.

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当喷射泵采用的拉瓦尔喷管的喉管直径越大,其喷射能力和抽吸能力越强。When a jet pump uses the bigger -diameter throat tube of Laval nozzle, its injection capacity and drawing capacity is stronger.

最后,在管内同时添加拉瓦尔管和“X”型导流片,运用同样的方法对其进行数值模拟,得到其使气流产生旋转运动的效果不明显。Lastly, with Laval tube and X-type distributor in the vortex tube together, the effect of rotary movement of the gas was not so good.

所以对带拉瓦尔管并应用发动机排出的高压废气引射喷水泵的特性研究非常必要。So it's important to study the characteristics of high pressure gas draw-jet water pump with Laval nozzle and use waste gas from motor.

设计了两种基于微光机电技术的固体微推力器结构,其中一种结构具有不连续的非正常拉瓦尔喷管。Two types of solid micro-thruster structure won designed based on MEMS technique, one of which with discrete and abnormal laval nozzle.

利用这些结果得到了二元拉伐尔喷管内不可压缩位势流动的精确解。Making use of these results, we obtained an exact solution for the incompressible potential flow through a two-dimensional Laval nozzle.

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2006年魁北克拉瓦尔大学的研究显示睡眠时间比其它学生少一个或两个小时的超重的比较多。Laval University of Quebec released this finding in 2006, that children who slept even an hour or two less than other children became more overweight.

第二管被设计成用于输送氧气的拉伐尔喷嘴形状并且它包围着用于输送固体物质或粉尘的第一中心管。A second tube is configured as a Laval nozzle for the delivery of oxygen and encloses a first central tube for the delivery of solid substances or dust.

本文研究了一种新型的流量自调式射流真空发生器,通过减少其内部拉瓦尔喷管的气流流通面积来实现减少耗气量。The research tries to work out a new type vacuum ejector, which can reduce the compressed air consumption by means of reducing the area of Laval nozzle.