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它材料极其简单,并且持久地重复。The material of it is very simple and repeated enduringly.

我曾经用这种方法写过一篇非常流行的博文。I wrote one of my most enduringly popular posts using this technique.

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然而,很少有机构注意到每个员工的独特性。Today however, few organizations remember that each of these people is enduringly unique.

硬度适中,耐磨性好,抛光效率高、精度好。Proper hardness, enduringly abrasive ability, high efficiency of polishing, well precision.

来自大自然的天然花草和水果萃取精华,使肌肤持久保湿润泽。Come from natural nature flowers and plants and fruit extraction cream, make skin guarantee the moist pond enduringly.

使用安全,可长期使用,药效持久,稳定,营养全面,增加养殖的经济效益。Usage safety, but the long range uses, pesticide effect stabilizes enduringly , nutrition increases all round, the economic effect breeding.

被删去的内容中曾有一副图给了我深刻的印象,画的是凯特贴在爱人隆起的肚皮上聆听胎儿的动静。One enduringly memorable image that was omitted shows Kate stroking her partner’s distended abdomen and feeling the thump of the unborn baby’s kick.

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一个自学成才的人所获取的知识可以更充分地内化为自己的学识,可以在心中留下更加生动的印象,而且记忆起来更加持久。What the self-educated man learns, becomes more thoroughly his own, makes a more vivid impression upon his mind, and fixes itself more enduringly there.

但那并不必然预示着商品物价的崩盘,他们辩护说,这要归因于像中国那样的新兴市场正在提供无穷无尽的强大需求。But that does not necessarily presage a collapse in commodity prices, they argue, thanks to enduringly strong demand from emerging markets such as China.

“负的方法”是形象思维支撑下的诗的言说方式,它的运用会使文艺作品进于道,达到对真际世界的认识,并会使之具有一种耐人玩味的风流品格。The application will make literature works attain the Tao and obtain the knowledge of true state, and also make it with an enduringly demeanor character.

尽管预警,小说一直之一克拉克最长期流行的作品,或许是因为它非常独特的其他克拉克的作品。Despite the warning, the novel has remained one of Clarke's most enduringly popular works, perhaps because of its very uniqueness among the rest of Clarke's works.