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该方案结构简单,测量速度快,实现了完全自动化。The method is fast and easy established which fulfill complete automatization.

电力远动系统是电力系统自动化的重要组成部分。The power telecontrol system is an important part of power system automatization.

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介绍了一种对ST-103A型手动探针测试台进行自动化改造的设计方案。The text is introducing the automatization design of ST-103A manual probe station.

自动分段器是实现配电网自动化较为理想的自动保护设备。Automatic sectionatizer is ideal auto-protecting equipments in distribution net automatization.

随着印报业的发展,印报机的自动化程度大大提高。Along with development of newspapering, automatization of newspaper machine is greatly improving.

有电子,计算机和自动化相关知识或工作经验是优势。Work experience or knowledge involving in Electronic, Computer, Automatization can be an advantage.

CAD系统是机械设计与加工自动化发展方向的重要课题。The CAD system is an important developing direction of machine design and processing automatization.

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而且新算法避免了复杂的极点连接,提高了位相展开的自动化程度。Also the new algorithm improves the automatization of phase unwrapping by avoiding complex pole joint.

带材跟踪是实现轧制过程自动化的基础,也是轧机计算机控制系统的重要功能之一。Strip tracing is the base of automatization of rolling progress and also the key function of computer control system.

为了在这方面进行一些改进,文章介绍了一套自动化程度较高的检测与分选系统。In order to improve on the performance, the article recommends a measuring and sorting system with high automatization.

还可以使药店的管理自动化和条理化,不至于出现各项管理的混乱。But also make the management of the drugstore automatization and consecution , avoid of bringing confusion of management.

结果表明,该装置有很高的自动化程度,功能完善,抗干扰能力强。Reliability testing for contactors can be done. It has better automatization level, function and anti-jamming capability.

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本文介绍了一种使用一台变频器带动多台电潜泵的自动化系统。This Paper introduces the usage of a automatization system, which uses one VVVF controls many electric submersible pumps.

实现矿区地籍自动化可保证及时提供精确可靠的地籍文件。The realization of automatization of cadastre in mining area can provide precise and reliable cadastral documents in time.

光学字符识别是20世纪20年代逐步发展起来的一门自动化技术。Optical character recognition is an automatization technology step by step developed since the twenties of the 20th century.

研究了Office自动化技术在信息管理系统中的集成与应用,实现了分布式数据库数据向Office系列软件的导出。Make a research of use and integration of technique for OFFICE automatization in MIS, completed data-export from RDB to Office.

这种方法也能减少生产工序及利于自动化,因此能降低生产成本。It can also reduce production process steps and can be beneficial to automatization , and therefore, can reduce production cost.

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间规聚苯乙烯是近年来发展起来的一种新型工程塑料,在自动化和电子工业中具有广阔的应用前景。Syndiotactic polystyrene is a newly developing crystal engineering plastic and useful for the fields of automatization and electron.

如RS-485、RS-232、CAN等总线协议都只是一些局部系统的总线,由于互不兼容,给测控系统的设计带来很大障碍。Field bus, such as RS-485, RS-232, CAN are local system bus. These bus are not compatible and obstruct automatization system's design.

WKT变电站自动化系统由变电站层和间隔层两级现场通讯网组成。The WKT integrated automatization of substation was composed of substation level and interlayer level for local communication network.