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六个世纪以来,这儿是犹太人的克拉科夫。For six centuries there has been a Jewish Krakow.

这些方向性标签是飞往华沙、克拉科夫,利沃夫和格但斯克的。These dls were flown to warszawa krakow lwow and gdansk.

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相反的,克拉科夫建议从仅设定一个起床时间开始。Instead, Krakow suggests starting out by setting a wake-up time only.

星期五,北约国防部长结束在波兰克拉科夫举行的为期两天的会议。The defense ministers concluded two days of meeting in Krakow Friday.

赫勒拿马德伊来自克拉科夫,1981年开了这家餐厅,那时候她28岁。Helena Madej opened the restaurant in 1981, after arriving from Krakow at age 28.

波兰斯基在克拉科夫得到非犹太裔的朋友帮助,生存下来。She later died in the camps. He was helped by non-Jewish friends in Krakow and survived.

国际纪录片大会,波兰克拉科夫国际电影节及波兰驻广州总领事馆联合推出波兰影片日。GZ DOC, Krakow Film Festival and Polish General-Consulate in Guangzhou present Polish Film Day.

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靠近波兰克拉科夫的维利奇卡盐矿是世界上最令人神往的旅游胜地之一。The Wieliczka Salt Mine, near Krakow in Poland, is one of the most fascinating places to visit in the world.

拥有最佳宾馆的城市排名中,仅次于德累斯顿的是越南河内、东京、芝加哥以及波兰克拉科夫。Close behind Dresden in the list of cities with good hotels were Hanoi in Vietnam, Tokyo, Chicago, and Krakow in Poland.

德国政府降低邮资之后,他们又向华沙、克拉科夫和格但斯克寄去数十万援助包裹。They sent hundreds of thousands of aid packages to Warsaw and Krakow and Gdansk at reduced German government postal rates.

最近来自波兰各大学及学院的50名英语教师参加了由LCCI及克拉科夫经济大学共同举办的研讨会。English teachers from universities and colleges across Poland recently attended workshops hosted by LCCI and the Krakow University of Economics.

“据波普金说,从一九七一年以来,克拉科夫的大麦价格从来不像现在这样稳定。”他对达芙妮说。钻进被窝时,他脸上还挤出一点笑容。"According to Popkin, barley prices in Krakow have not been this stable since 1971, " he said to Daphne, and smiled wanly as he climbed into bed.

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以严厉、强力的方式重塑格拉科犹太区的惨状,是个关于英雄行为、韧性和生存的故事。"Schindler's List, " for all its unsparing and powerful re-creations of the horror of the Krakow ghetto, is a story of heroism, resilience and survival.

预印本原本只在少数精英份子之间流通,但现在任何人都可在第一时间取得,不论是在英国剑桥、波兰克拉考或印度加尔各答。The preprints , which had been available to only an elite few, could now be picked over by anyone instantaneously, whether in Cambridge, Kraków or Calcutta.

每月有1.6万波兰人来到英国,这一数字还不包括许多从华沙、克拉科夫和卡托维兹等波兰城市乘飞机来到英国的清洁工和保姆们。That is 16,000 Poles a month but excludes the unknown and growing number of prospective cleaners and nannies who take budget flights from Warsaw, Krakow and Katowice.

现在,克拉科夫的众多旅行社都推出了一日游,将奥斯威辛和风景如画的维耶利奇卡盐矿合并为一个旅游项目,后者以其用岩盐建造的小教堂、雕塑和枝形吊灯而闻名。Today, travel agencies in Krakow hawk daylong tours combining Auschwitz with the picturesque Wieliczka salt mine, with its rock salt chapel, sculptures and chandeliers.

九小时的旅程中,可以有充足的时间在捷克睡眠,然后到达克拉科夫,去观赏波兰的皇家城堡,壮观的广场和氛围迷人的地下酒吧。The nine-hour trip allows for plenty of sleeping off all that delicious Czech lager before arriving in Kraków ready for the Polish take on royal castles, imposing squares and atmospheric cellar bars.