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输入一个有效的文件名称。Enter a valid file name.

否认疼痛是有确实根据的。Disavowal of pain is valid.

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现在,这个论证是有效的Now, the argument is valid.

这个论点是站不住脚的。This argument is not valid.

否则也可能有效。Otherwise it could be valid.

这车票的有效期是多久?How long is the ticket valid ?

请输入一个有效的用户名。Please enter a valid username.

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拉乌尔定律在这里不成立。Raoult's law is not valid here.

那分合同不再有效。The contract is no longer valid.

循环论点都有效。All circular arguments are valid.

报盘五天有效。The offer is valid for five days.

一张票有效期限是24小时。The ticket is valid for 24 hours.

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这些定律是普适的。These laws are universally valid.

无法取得有效的登入杂凑。Unable to get a valid login hash.

这只是语法上说得通。It is in fact syntactically valid.

报盘三天有效。The offer is valid for three days.

金卡会籍有效期12个月。Guld membership is valid 12 months.

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可申请成立虚拟棋社。Valid for virtual club application.

所有这些视角都是合理有据的。All of these perspectives are valid.

下面的程序也是正当的。The following program is also valid.