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你用什么训练狗狗良好排泄习惯?What do you use when housebreaking the new puppy?

去年抢劫和入室行窃成灾。Last year there was a plague of robbery and housebreaking.

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猎狼倾向于对人们告诉它该做什么产生抵制行为,入室行窃也不例外。Borzois tend to resist being told what to do, and housebreaking is no exception.

认为狗能把分辨狗尿垫和红色地毯的想法可能听起来很荒谬。The idea that a dog could tell a red carpet from a housebreaking pad may sound far-fetched.

“入户抢劫”应是行为人非法进入私人住宅及具有私人住宅特征的其他场所进行的抢劫。"Housebreaking" should be defined as the actor enters into the private domicile or else like illegally.

城市房屋拆迁是伴随中国市场经济发展及城市建设而产生的一个现象。With the continuous development of the economy in China, the housebreaking in the city becomes a new problem.

我的破坏行为因为你工作忙碌而持续过久,但最后我俩一起克服了。My housebreaking took a little longer than expected, because you were terribly busy, but we worked on that together.

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你非常忙碌,但是我们还是一起努力让我改掉了乱啃家居物品的坏习惯,虽然所花的时间比预期的要长。My housebreaking took a little longer than expected, because you were terribly busy, but we worked on that together.

当他是一名少年时,他就因为入室行窃的罪名而被带上了少年法庭。By the time he was a teenager, he had been brought before the juvenile courts for incidents of burglary and housebreaking.

它很快就成为显而易见的小狗行窃是一项紧迫的优先事项,第一件事让我们的新室友。It soon becomes clearly apparent that puppy housebreaking is an urgent priority and the number one thing to teach our new housemates.

继续往深处挖掘,我想起了训练小狗保持卫生习惯的事儿,就在埃德下班回家前小狗已在沙发椅里撒了尿。Digging deeper, I recallED when we were housebreaking a puppy, and just before ED got home from work, the pup relievED herself on the couch.

都市村庄入室盗窃案件的高发,严重侵害了居民的财产安全。A great deal of housebreaking cases happen in urban villages, which brings about a lot of negative effects against property safety of the residents.

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他与窗外的星星相伴了近3年,苦捱着因入室盗窃而锒铛入狱的日子。He has spent nearly three years with those stars outside his window in a prison in Douglas, South Africa, counting the days of his sentence for housebreaking.

他与窗外的星星相伴了近3年,苦捱着因入室盗窃而锒铛入狱的日子。He has spent nearly three years with those stars outside his window in a prison in Douglas, South Africa, counting the days of his sentence for housebreaking.

这些因素加在一起,就是一个完全无效的补救办法破门行窃,为一个问题的最持久,最讨厌的城市传说狗训练。These factors combined to make a totally ineffective remedy for housebreaking problems into one of the most persistent and pesky urban legends of dog training.