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我成绩优异。I was doing well academically.

学术上,徐是出色的。Academically Hsu was outstanding.

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学习好会更困难吗?have a harder time doing well academically?

首先,对重作判决进行了理论分析。First, the author discusses the judgment academically.

我希望这个会议能帮助我方面和学术方面都彼此熟悉起来。I hope this meeting each other, both personally and academically.

在学习上,我学习态度端正,学习目标明确。Academically , I have a good attitude on learning, and with a clear goal.

总之他获得了诺贝尔化学奖,使他在学术声誉很高。So, he got the Nobel in chemistry, which made him a hot property academically.

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戴尔的高中在休斯顿的纪念高中度过,在那里他学习上的表现并不太好。Dell attended Memorial High School in Houston where he did not excel academically.

一个有观察力的学生,绝不会是学业成绩落后或者文理不通的学生。An observation of the students will not be academically behind or solecism students.

针对那些不守纪律又顽劣的学生他制定了明确的处理办法。He imposed clear punishments for misbehaviour and challenged the students academically.

上古汉语存在复辅音,已为历史音韵学界共认。It is academically recognized that there existed compound consonants in ancient Chinese.

年近半百,萨老却决定为保持学术竞争力,他必须专攻。Yet he decided at around 50 that to remain academically competitive he had to specialise.

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但是他们成绩上,有些,不达标。他们成绩上不行。but they won't be academically, kind of, up to par. They won't be up to snuff academically.

大多数教育家也不认为孩子会从以成绩为目的的学前教育中获益。Most educators believe that kids don't benefit from academically oriented preschools, either.

我们搬到了一个新地方,那里与我孩子同年级的学生学的东西却比我的孩子多很多。We transferred to a new state where the students were very much ahead of my son academically.

丽江的录取过程并非统粹寻找成绩优异的学生。Yeogang's admission process transcends simply looking for academically accomplished students.

我个人认为,就算是在学术上被批判的东西也应该存在。Personally, I think even something that is academically criticised should be able to exist too.

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回想在亚澳工作的时光,我感到在学术上、文化上受益颇多。Looking back on the days working at AABC, I feel I have gained a lot academically and culturally.

网恋的社会心理分析不仅具有学理价值,而且具有现实意义。It is both academically and practically valuable to analyze net love from socio-psychological angle.

卡米拉·本堡不认同学生学习好坏是天生的这种普遍的观念。Benbow disagrees with the popular notion that students are either academically gifted or they are not.