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没有人看得清他的笔迹。No one can decipher his sloppy handwriting.

最后,加利尔能够解密了这个文本。Finally, Galil was able to decipher the text.

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我简直无法辨认他那些潦草的字迹。I simply cannot decipher his crabbed handwriting.

我知道这些力量,我可以对这些样本进行解码。If I know the forces, I can decipher the samples.

中医基本理论包括阴阳、五行和易经是可以来解译基因组的。Yin and Yang, Wu-Xing, and Yijing can decipher the genome.

科学家们正热络地破译这种多功能分子。Scientists are scrambling to decipher this versatile molecule.

数据加密方面,用改进的ECC对数据加解密。In data ciphering, it adopts improved ECC to cipher and decipher data.

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消息中包含很多信息,所以解释起来要花一些时间。There's a lot of information in there, so it may take time to decipher it.

克隆引发的疯狂使人们很难搞清瑟鲍思身世背后的真相。Clone madness made it difficult to decipher the truth behind C'baoth's origins.

人们寄希望于人类基因组计画能破解人类细胞中所隐含的遗传密码。Human genome project is expected to decipher the genetic codes in the human cell.

人们寄希望于人类基因组计画能破解人类细胞中所隐含的遗传密码。Human Genome Project is expected to decipher the genetic codes in the human cells.

但对于外界来说,破解朝鲜经济的提示和线索相比之下要多得多。But there are many more hints and clues for outsiders to decipher about the economy.

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JSON使用的是简洁的符号标记,这对于通过“普通”的眼睛来释读是很困难的。JSON, with its shorthand notation, can be difficult to decipher using the naked eye.

塔纳卡接下来希望破译控制芽基形成的基因指令。Tanaka next hopes to decipher the genetic instructions governing blastema formation.

但是为了人类着想,请别让我去识别1有0个元素验证码图像。But for the sake of humanity, please dont make me decipher that 10-character Captcha image.

靠著这个卷轴,你可以打开通往崔斯特瑞姆的传送点。只有阿卡拉可以解读它的逻辑。With this scroll you may open a portal back to Tristram . Only Akara can decipher its logic.

罗云山收到信鸽传来的密件,他们迅速将截获的密件进行破译。Luo Yunshan receiving pigeons from documents, they will quickly seized documents to decipher.

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文字是斯拉夫字母,我设法破译的意思是他曾经在这里住过。It was written in the Cyrillic alphabet but I managed to decipher that he had once lived here.

详细介绍了该方法加密和解密的具体实现规则。After presenting the detailed encipher rule and decipher role, its characteristics is analyzed.

没有数学,不再要眯眼看精美的印刷字,试着去破译这些没有元音的句子。No math, no more squinting at the fine print and trying to decipher those words with no vowels.