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据报道,一架战斗机在机组人员跳伞之后在班加西附近坠毁。A warplane was reported to have crashed near the city after the crew bailed out.

我满腹弧疑地说,一个人怎么能够一边驾驶一架现代化军用飞机,一边参加战斗。I wondered aloud how anyone ever fights and flies a modern warplane at the same time.

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1945年,美国战机在广岛投放了世界上第一颗原子弹,造成大量伤亡,也催化了二战的结束。S. warplane dropped the world's first atomic bomb in 1945, hastening the end of World War Two.

法国战斗机星期四在米苏拉塔击落了一架利比亚政府的战机。French fighter jets shot down a Libyan government warplane over the city of Misrata on Thursday.

美国军方官员们说,他们不知道有美国任何战机被迫降在伊朗境内。U. S. military officials say they are not aware of any U. S. warplane being forced to land in Iran.

甚至其中一种或几种机型最终有可能进化为具有实战用途的战斗机。And it's even possible one or more of them will eventually evolve into a useful front-line warplane.

在以前的战争中不管百姓还是战士都曾携带,在二战中这种小娃娃和泰迪熊受到由于受到飞行员的喜爱而伴随他们完成了无数的空中任务。In World War II such dolls as well as teddy bears were favored by pilots and rode in many a warplane.

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中国似乎正设计一种挂在大型军机起落架上的太空飞船运载火箭。China appears to be designing a spacecraft-launcher that attaches to the undercarriage of a large warplane.

更早之前,一架参加战斗的美国战机坠毁在班加西叛军据点附近的沙漠里。Earlier, an American warplane taking part in the operation crashed in the desert near the rebel stronghold of Benghazi.

星期六一早,叛军的一架战机在班加西上空被击落,在一团浓烟和火焰中坠毁。Early Saturday a warplane belonging to rebel forces was shot down over Benghazi, crashing in a ball of smoke and flames.

的隆隆声,许多人认为是一个什么地方的开销交融与临近的雷暴雨敌人战机。The rumble of what many believe is an enemy warplane somewhere overhead mingles with the thunder of the impending rainstorm.

他称,法国战机在获得大约80辆的车队准备逃离苏尔特的消息时被派往了该地。The French warplane was sent to the area after news emerged of a large convoy of up to 80 vehicles trying to flee Sirte, he said.

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但利比亚政府发言人说,政府军当天没有对班加西进行轰炸,也没有飞机被反对派武装击落。But a Libyan spokesman denied media reports that rebels shot down a government warplane and that the military was bombarding Benghazi.

伊拉克警方说,当天早些时候,一架美国战机扫射一所房子,导致8名平民死亡,其中包括2名妇女和1名儿童。Iraqi police said that earlier in the day a U.S. warplane strafed a house and killed eight civilians, including two women and one child.

周六,一架政府战机在也门南部轰击了自己的军队,炸死至少18名士兵。It emerged in Yemen that a government warplane bombed its own troops in the south of the country on Saturday killing at least 18 soldiers.

上周,在的黎波里欢呼的反对派爬上了卡扎菲树立的雕像,就是一架美国战机被有力的利比亚人的拳头攥住的那个雕像。Last week, exultant rebels in Tripoli clambered on Gaddafi’s vainglorious statue of an American warplane in the grip of a mighty Libyan fist.

生存力是影响战时飞机损伤和飞行安全的主要因素,军用飞机生存力工程是一个系统工程。Survivability is an important influencing factor in wartime warplane damage and flight safety. Warplane Survivability engineering is systems engineering.

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本周末,一些泄露到互联网上的高分辨率照片展现了一款前所未见的黑色涂装战斗机,它具有隐形战机的独特设计。Over the weekend photos of increasing resolution leaked online depicting a previously unknown, black-painted warplane with the distinctive qualities of a stealth design.

虽然卡扎菲已经放弃了他的反美政策,但他却成为他的诱捕策略——图中两位领导人身后的雕像在挥舞着要打烂美国飞机的拳头。Although Qaddafi may have dropped his anti-U.S. policies, he never abandoned their trappings -- the sculpture behind the two leaders shows a fist crushing a U.S. warplane.

英国每日电讯报道说,驾驶员在弹射出机舱后,降落到班加西港口四周,随后被利比亚反对派武装救走。Libyan rebels rescued the pilot after he ejected from the warplane which came down near the eastern city of Benghazi Britain's Daily Telegraph newspaper reported on its website.