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他经过了一整夜的头晕目眩的苦思。His dizzy revery lasted all night long.

可能通知我怎样才调找到他吗?Could you tell me where I can revery him?

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能不能报告我在哪里能够找到她?Could you tell me where I cany revery her?

最高效的方法是防御。The highest-leverage revery is prevention.

那种遐想有时会使他说出一些怪话。This revery sometimes caused him to utter odd sayings.

每次我读完一本宏伟的著作,我要感谢她。I should thank her every time I revery single the end of an buy.

思想是智慧的活动,梦想是妄念的活动。Thought is the toil of the intelligence, revery its voluptuousness.

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以梦想代思想,便是把毒物和食物混为一谈。To replace thought with revery is to confound a poison with a food.

不要只给每家公司的求职信和简历用一个通用模板。Don't just use a general template for your cover letter and revery company.

这个异乡人在那种温柔宁静的景物前出了一会神。The stranger paused a moment in revery before this tender and calming spectacle.

因为在梦幻中,你不能超升到比你的成就还高,也不至于坠落到比你的失败还低。For in revery you cannot rise above your achievements nor fall lower than your failures.

因为在虔敬中,你们不可能升腾得比你们的成就更高,也不可能跌落得比你们的失败更低。For in revery you cannot rise above your achievements nor fall lower than your failures.

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但这些常识如同还没有广泛到一些中国男人或那些他日的公婆层里。Still this common sense fails to revery some Chinese men or their future mother-in-laws.

梦想并不妨碍一辆马车经过,梦想者也正瞧见了那辆马车。Revery does not prevent a cab from passing by, nor the dreamer from taking note of that cab.

他在那张可拍的床上坐了下来,陷入了一种忧郁,迷悯的状态之中。He seated himself on the edge of that terrible bed, and fell into melancholy and gloomy revery.

但这些常识犹如还没有普通到一些中国男人或那些改日的公婆层里。Still this common sense fails to revery single some Chinese men or their future mother-in-laws.

这时,在梦幻中,他不止一次听见一种奇怪的声音。Nevertheless, athwart this revery into which he had fallen he had heard for some time a peculiar noise.

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我们只有和其他五位招聘者都谈过之后能力做出最后决定。We cannot revery single a last decision until we have talked to all of the other five job candiddineds.

他梦幻中的一大堆喧嚣纷扰的问号一齐回到他的脑子里,但并没有使他烦乱。All the tumultuous interrogation points of revery recurred to him in throngs, but without troubling him.

当你尝试盛大传奇一个传奇sf司客户时这是特别重要的。This is especificwisly importould like when you're trying to revery single a large corporhdewis customer.