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喜食猪毛菜和艾蒿之类的草类。Preference Salsola and mugwort sort of grass.

别担心,我今晚不会再用苦艾酒或艾蒿来做预知梦了。Don't worry, I won't be hitting the absinthe or the mugwort to try to induce the visions tonight.

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家家户户在他们的门口挂上香蒲或者艾叶以驱走蚊子和其他昆虫。People would hang cattail and mugwort leaves on their doors to drive away mosquitoes and other insects.

艾蒿及其不同种艾属植物的花粉有致敏性,又称艾蒿-芹菜--香料综合症。A sensitization to mugwort pollens and different spices the so-called mugwort -celery-spices syndrome has been reported.

它以铁塔的设计者、杰出的建筑工程师居斯塔夫·艾菲尔的名字命名。It by the iron tower designer, outstanding constructs engineer to occupy Staaf · the Chinese mugwort Feir's name naming.

民间有端午节挂艾叶菖蒲榕枝、赛龙舟、吃粽子、饮雄黄酒的习俗。Dragon Boat Festival with the custom of wine drinking, hanging the Chinese mugwort leaf, dragon-boat racing, and eating Zongzi.

结果用新鲜大蒜液直接喷雾消毒效果要好于用艾条烟熏。ResultsThe effect of disinfection with the method of immediate fresh garlic-solution-spray is better than the method of mugwort fumigation.

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防臭保健层为艾蒿绒或艾叶层,或为艾蒿绒与棉花、羊毛或无纺布混合层。The deodorant healthcare layer is mugwort floss or a mugwort leaf layer, or a mixed layer of the mugwort floss and cotton, wool or a non-woven fabric.

所以,古代巫师鼓励人们佩戴香包,挂艾蒿和菖蒲在门上赶走所谓的邪恶的精神,引起的疾病。Soancient sorcerers encouraged people to wear fragrant pouches and hang mugwort and calamus on their doors to drive away the so-called evil spirits that caused diseases.

清明时节,江南一带有吃青团的风俗习惯。青团是用艾叶汁,糯米和糖豆沙馅儿做成的。The sweet green rice ball is a Tomb Sweeping Day food which is popular in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces. It is made of mugwort juice, glutinous rice and sweetened bean paste.

据报道,其它交叉反应包括室内尘螨的粪便和虾过敏之间的联系,另一种是艾属植物花粉和对胡萝卜、芹菜以及葵花子过敏之间的联系。Other reported cross-reactions include a link between house-dust-mite faeces and shrimp allergy, and another between mugwort pollen and an allergy to carrots, celery and sunflower seeds.