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它也常用于绒绣。It is also often used in needlepoint.

椅子上针织靠垫是我的外祖母Gagi做的。The needlepoint pillow on it was done by my grandmother, Gagi.

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就靠信仰那些“既往不咎”的古老哲学?Rely on the same old needlepoint philosophy of "forgive and forget"?

方法采用问卷调查法调查护理人员被针头刺伤的有关情况。METHODS Nursing staff was investigated for being pricked by needlepoint.

从开始到完工,针绣腰带的制作是一个很费钱也很费时的活。From start to finish, needlepoint is generally a costly and timely process.

但是我正上的这堂刺绣课,他们给了我们一个好大的枕头。But I'm taking this needlepoint class, and they gave us these really big pillows.

或者可以少一些体力劳动,如针尖或蚤。Or it could be something less physically demanding, such as needlepoint or crochet.

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公珍珠棉是用于诸如哈丹格尔刺绣,刺绣项目,绒绣。DMC pearl co tt on is used for projects like Hardanger embroidery, embroidery, and needlepoint.

绍迈克地毯的正面看起来几乎象刺绣,纹饰复杂,使人想起绣花。The face of a Soumak can look almost like embroidery, with a intricacy of design reminiscent of needlepoint.

目前她在以科莱特为榜样,其80岁放弃写作,开始织绣。Recently she has been following the example of Colette, who took up needlepoint in her 80s when she gave up writing.

我们高峰人从不因为自身之小而妄自菲薄,因为木棒未必强于针尖。All the staff would never underestimate our own capabilities, since the stick is not necessarily weaker than the needlepoint.

我的旧理念,过去是活也让别人活,但是我采取这一绒绣阶级,他们给了我们这些真正的大枕头。My old philosophy used to be Live and let live, but Im taking this needlepoint class and they gave us these really big pillows.

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针电极附近OH分布沿针尖径向呈“子弹状”,由内向外逐渐减小。The shape of the region around the needlepoint looks like a bullet, and the density of excited OH radical reduces with ther increase.

临床表现为臀部、双下肢伸侧面紫红色针尖至米粒大小出血斑,指压不褪色。Clinical manifests with Stretch of lower limbs side purple bleeding spot, the size between needlepoint and rice, and not fading when depressing the skin.

上她们也心存幻想,梦想能重新装饰客房卫生间,椅子套刺绣,或者“贮藏”几夸脱家庭自制的番茄罐头。They also yearn for a domestic fantasy, and dream about redecorating the guest bathroom, making needlepoint chair-covers, and 'putting up'quarts of home-canned tomatoes.