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谁才是真正的王牌特工,斯米诺与你共同期待!Who is the real Bondman?Jointly with Smirnoff to look forward!

帝亚吉欧酒业公司旗下品牌包括皇冠伏特加、尊尼获加苏格兰威士忌和健力士黑啤酒。Diageo's brands include Smirnoff vodka, Johnnie Walker scotch whisky, and Guinness stout.

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我喜欢使用苹果味司木露作为基酒,它会给鸡尾酒带来很好的青苹果香气。I like using Smirnoff apple twist as my alcoholic base, it gives a great aroma of green apples.

新口味司木露牌伏特加酒的创意酒瓶设计,得到了水果构造的灵感。Creative bottles with fruit inspired textures were made for the launch of new flavors of Smirnoff Caipiroska.

本月早些时候,乌克兰出生的斯米尔诺夫宣布她订婚的圣路易红雀投手布拉德彭妮。Earlier this month, the Ukrainian-born Smirnoff announced her engagement to St. Louis Cardinals pitcher Brad Penny.

快来联手007至选斯米诺伏特加,赢取全能装备,共同上演扣人心弦的谍海争锋!Smirnoff Black Vodka & Quantum of Solace 007 will win the all-around equipment, jointly stage the exciting programs in the World!

当消费者们不再豪饮时,Tony饮料遭了难,但是皇冠伏特加却凭借低廉的酒价和预调鸡尾酒保持了自己的业绩。Tony beverages suffered as consumers cut back on boozing, but Smirnoff held its own with cheaper libations and premade cocktails.

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他说,帝亚吉欧“县威士忌在中国的业务是盈利的,并帮助基金的增长,其他领域,如皇冠伏特加和百利甜酒。He said Diageo"s whisky business in China was profitable and was helping fund growth in other areas such as Smirnoff vodka and Baileys liqueur."

分层可可,酸樱桃,蓝色伏特加入冰过的子弹杯,置入吉百利巧克力棒。Lay the creme de cacao, kirsch and smirnoff vodka blue, on the bed of a pre-chilled shot glass. Serve suggestively with a Cadburys chocolate finger.

Menezes表示,这样的趋势意味着公司今年营销的重点是在店内零售,而非酒吧等各种活动上。Such trends mean the maker of Johnnie Walker whisky and Smirnoff vodka is focusing more this year on in-store promotions, rather than events at bars, Menezes said.