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什么是持久性?What is persistence?

我在坚持不懈方面做得怎样?How would I rate on persistence?

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只有恒心——是万能的。Persistence alone is omnipotent.

他一拼到底,赢得胜利!His persistence gained him victory.

NetScaler支持10中持续性类型。NetScaler supports 10 persistence types.

能量和毅力可以征服一切。Enery and persistence conquer all things!

这些趋势的持续存在引人瞩目。The persistence of these trends is striking.

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乐成来自于始终如一和吃苦。Success comes from persistence and hard work.

然后,选择持久性映射程序组件。Then, choose the persistence mapper component.

用勇气与坚持贯彻你的计划。Implement your plans with courage and persistence.

该显示屏的主要原理是基于人眼的视觉暂留功能。The display is based on the persistence of vision.

数据持久性是使用最广泛的选项。Database persistence is the most widely-used option.

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风起潮涌间,都映出了一份对美的执着。In and between, it is all the persistence to beauty.

这个行为也被称为是传递持久化。This behavior is referred as transitive persistence.

第一部分,吕克·贝松电影的艺术坚守。The first part is Luc Besson persistence in movie art.

同一性的持存本质是什么What's the nature of persistence of identity over time?

法雷尔的许多朋友都熟悉他的坚持与执着。Persistence is a word familiar to Farrell's many friends.

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“最重要的就是它能持续工作,我们把它称之为”不闪眼“。The biggest is persistence. We call it the unblinking eye.

但是,对于任何事情,持之以恒和练习都是必须的。But as with anything, persistence and practice is rewarded.

单宁饱满,回味持久。Mouth-filling tannins, excellent persistence on the palate.