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不要禁止显示这些冲突。Do not suppress these violations.

吃什么药也不能止住他的咳嗽。No drug could suppress his cough.

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抑止页面代码的更佳选项Better options to suppress page code

不要禁止显示此规则的警告。Do not suppress a warning for this rule.

不要禁止显示此规则发出的警告。Do not suppress a warning from this rule.

不良环境压抑了儿童的智商。Bad environments suppress children's I. Q.

该药物意味着抑制全部的月经来潮。It's meant to suppress all menstrual bleeding.

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可以安全地禁止显示此规则发出的警告。It is safe to suppress a warning from this rule.

一个平常人是不会隐瞒他的真实姓名的。A common person would not suppress his real name.

能忍一时气,可免百日忧。He who can suppress a moment's anger may empress.

企图压制它们时,它们会加强。And when we try to suppress them, they strengthen.

能抑制破骨细胞对廿的吸收。Can suppress the osteoclast to twenty absorptions.

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吸烟可抑制ERCC1基因的表达。Smoking may suppress the expression of ERCC1 gene.

要抑制我这方面的本能是无济于事的。It is no use trying to suppress that side of myself.

我用了抽象的方法,来隐藏了一些具体的实现。I've used some abstraction to suppress some details here.

它们抑制我们的人民和企业的创造力。They suppress the ingenuity of our people and businesses.

而黑暗是一种想要压制和控制别人的能量。Darkness is the energy that wants to suppress and control.

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覆盖植物保护土壤墒情,抑制杂草。Mulch plants to conserve soil moisture and suppress weeds.

那些将性压抑在体内的人成了意淫。Those who suppress sex in the body become mentally sexual.

但他必须抑制平静的外表下面的感情。But he must suppress his feelings beneath his calm surface.