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DHL国际快递服务。DHL International Courier Service.

这位信差疑惑地摇摇头。The courier shook his head dubiously.

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这个乘客同意变成信差。The passenger agrees to become a courier.

对啊。最早卜奎是个驿站。Yes. At first, Bukui was a courier station.

请问贵司与速递公司合作了多久?。How long did you use in this courier company?

这则消息来自那天早晨的信使报。The news was from the Courier of that morning.

送递急件的信差今天早晨送来了这封信。The letter was delivered by a courier this morning.

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东坝自古就是茶马古道的驿站。There was a courier station in Dongba in ancient times.

居民使用国外邮务与快递服务支出。Residents paying for postal and courier services abroad.

这个问题并不局限于某家航空快递公司,我也遇到过其他公司因为缺少邮政编码而拒绝投递香港包裹的情况。This is not a problem limited to one air courier company.

我们藉由电子邮件传送有关信差的消息。We send a information about messages of courier bye-mail.

交收文件、提送支票、样办、送货、提货。Courier document, cheque, sample, deliver and pickup goods.

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我会请速递员将邮包快捷传递到你的办公室。I will have the parcel expressed to your office by a courier.

如果你以快邮服务来寄,信件会比较快到达。If you send by courier service, the letter will reach sooner.

一直以来,有关微软Courier平板电脑的故事都是星星点点的。The story of Microsoft's Courier has only been told in pieces.

正如我们所云技术,避免了快递的需要。As we have a cloud technology that avoids the need for courier.

我并不害怕人生苦旅,因为我就是一个送信的人。I do not suffer from the trip of the life, I am just a courier.

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我可以通过信差,这样不但快而且便宜,价钱已经包括在内。I can send via courier it is fast and cheaper and price is included.

郭先生是天津人,今年24岁,从事快递业务。Mr. Guo, 24-year-old, is from Tianjin and engaged in courier business.

作为奖赏,豪斯先生给予了他/她使用幸运38酒店中一切奢豪享受的权利。House afforded the Courier every luxury at his disposal in the Lucky 38.