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我有一个跑步机。I own a treadmill.

所以你在跑步机上跑。So you've run on the treadmill.

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能帮我弄弄这跑步机吗?。Could you help me with the treadmill?

首先,你需要一个跑步机。First, you need access to a treadmill.

上帝救救我,我早上6点半就在跑步机上跑步。God help me I ran on a treadmill at 6.30am.

如果在跑步机上跑上45分钟呢?So that 45-minute session on the treadmill?

他们便买了跑步机和一些杠铃。So they bought a treadmill and some weights.

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我发现了一个熬过跑步机健身的好办法。I have found a way to endure a treadmill workout.

我今天要把你们全都轰下跑步机。I'm going to blow you guys off the treadmill today.

这需要很多早晨在跑步机上度过。That is a lot of mornings hoofing it on the treadmill.

使用锻炼心肺功能的运动器材,如跑步机或自行车。Use any cardio equipment, such as a treadmill or a cycle.

我发现了一个让我盼着到跑步机上锻炼的好办法。I've found a way to look forward to my treadmill workouts.

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能否依赖跑步机来制定这个瘦腿规划呢?Can rely on the treadmill to develop the stovepipe planning?

而单调的静态运动不能产生这种未知因素。Static exercise on a treadmill doesn’t produce this X factor.

于是兽医想到利用跑步机帮其锻炼肌肉。The vets then used a treadmill to rebuild his wasted muscles.

你不能像跑跑步机想停就停下来不跑了。You cannot just stop and get off as you can on the treadmill.

单调地踩着踏车,拉动石块,悬在树边。Run the treadmill. Pull the blocks and hang there from the tree.

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你要从哪开始?跑步机还是爬梯机?Where do you want to start, on the treadmill or the Stairmaster?

瑞奇连博士让他们在跑步机上走或跑30分钟。Dr Raichlen had them run or walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes.

一个礼拜一天试着在跑步机上用时间区隔来增加你的速度。Try intervals on the treadmill one day a week to boost your speed.