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这一计划没有你想象的那么婆婆妈妈。This is a less preachy enterprise than you might expect.

它们并没有被「赢得」,所以它们变得好像爱讲道理。They have not been "earned. " So they come out as preachy.

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很多人知道“基督信徒”另一个意思是“爱说道的”。Some believe that "Christian" is another word for "preachy. "

不过,王健林表示,他知道说教性过强会有风险。Still, Mr Wang says, he understands the risk of being too preachy.

只要和圣诞节有关,而且不会流于说教的节目都可以。Anything goes as long as it relates to Christmas and is not too preachy.

但是诸如“每周工作40小时”等看起来可能会感觉续续道道。However, some, like the "40-hour week, " can come off as a little preachy.

在这样角色里,他们需要注意别过分的严肃和说教。In such roles, they need to be careful about getting too serious and preachy.

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当你跟孩子们讲话的时候,你怎么能让你看起来不那么唠唠叨叨呢?When you talk to kids, how do you get your message across without seeming preachy ?

戈兰指出,“尖塔山”从书也试图摆脱某些基督教小说的说教气息。Golan said Steeple Hill was also trying to shed the preachy tone of some Christian fiction.

我喜欢听完后再回味一遍,如果故事真实可信,说教味道又不浓的话,”乔沉默了一会后说。I like to think about them afterward, if they are real and not too preachy , " said Jo, after a minute's silence.

有一小部分关于法律如何进入这些活动的内容对有些人看起来可能有些罗嗦,他们可以忽略过去。A short section on how the law plays into these activities may seem a bit preachy to some, and they should feel free to skip it.

如果你是环保者中的一员并想采取行动,那么你应该试一试节水表。If you are the preachy sort who kinda wants to crossover to the action group, then you need to check this Every Drop Counts Water Meter.

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她到屠宰场练习,正如她之后泰然自若地告诉爱讲道的美国人说,若没有这样练习,肉牛还是会被铁锤打死,又不符合运动精神的目的。She practised at the slaughterhouse, serenely confident, as she would tell preachy Americans later, that these bulls would otherwise die by the hammer, an “unsporting” end.

象这种片子票房很少大卖,部分原因是因为观众是他为宣传片,或者说是媒体上大肆宣扬公众反应漠然的说教片。Movies like this rarely sell, partly because people view it as propaganda, or as a morally uplifting and preachy tale often trumpeted in the media and quietly shunned by the public.

它似乎对人类给环境造成的影响有点说教意味,这个主题看起来有点沉重,但我仍然认为这是一本值得一读的书。It can seem a little preachy when it comes to the environmental impact of humans, but regardless of being a little heavy handed in that regard, I still think this is a wondeful and worthy book.