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他说,公司可能会在政府管理下再运行4到5年。The companies may be operating in conservatorship for another four to five years, he said.

布什政府说,房利美和房地美目前处于政府接管状态中,政府还任命了这两个机构的新领导人。The Bush administration says Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are being placed in a government conservatorship with new executive leadership.

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公司现在处于政府的接管中,并且已经收到了来自美国财政部用以帮助支撑运营的几十亿的贷款。The company remains under government conservatorship and has received billions in loans from the US treasury department to help keep it afloat.

尤其是进入九月份以来,伴随着几家美国基础性的金融巨头的相继倒闭,合并和被政府接管,金融危机的影响日趋显著。It became prominently visible in September, 2008 with the failure, merger or conservatorship of several large United States-based financial firms.

在美国政府9月初宣布接管两家公司时,这一利差还不到1个百分点。That gap was less than a single percentage point when the government said in early September that it would place Fannie and Freddie under conservatorship.

然而,若美国政府履行接管房利美和房贷美,我相信它将帮助全球股市反弹特别是金融股。However, should US government implement the conservatorship on Fannie and Freddie, I believe it will help with global stocks rebound especially the financial.

房贷巨擘房利美和房地美已被美国政府接管,纳税人的纾困成本上看数兆美元。Bush took office, the mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are in a government conservatorship , and the bailout cost to taxpayers could run in the trillions.

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美国财政部和美联储认为,在处理AIG事宜的时候,他们的手是被绑住的,无法施展身手,因为他们没有迫使它纳入国家接管的权力。The treasury and the Federal Reserve have argued that their hands were tied in handling the insurer because they did not have the authority to force it into state conservatorship.

自“两房”被接管以来,抵押贷款机构债券的收益率目前处于最高水平,与其历史最高水平仅一步之遥。Agency mortgage bonds are now at their highest yields since Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were taken into conservatorship , and within a hair-breadth of their all-time highest levels.

我国问题金融机构接管应是以挽救为目的、临时性接收经营管理权为基本法律效力的一种行政强制措施。It is argued that the conservatorship of our problem financial institutions should be temporary, administrative enforcement measures with its own legal being so as to achieve the goal of remedy.