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他又闻了闻酒。Another sniff of wine.

我喜欢呼吸海上的空气。I like to sniff the sea-air.

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我闻出有东西烧焦的味。I can sniff something burning.

或者嗅下基思·理查德的餐具?Sniff Keith Richard's cutlery?

可怜的兔子想要用力吸。The poor rabbit wanted to sniff.

查一查产生麻烦的原因。Sniff out the cause of the trouble.

闻一闻香蕉、苹果和薄荷Sniff a banana, apple, or peppermint

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我母亲哼了一声,表示不同意。My mother gave a sniff of disapproval.

最后,我已经嗅出了迷茫在空中投机的味道。Finally, I sniff speculation in the air.

“孔子鸟通过了取样测试,”卡里诺说。"It passes the sniff test, " Carrano says.

这是你的狗对着我猛嗅的原因。That's why the dogs of your house sniff me.

我只是想闻一下新生儿的脑袋。I just wanted to sniff their newborns' heads.

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也许人们可以在开心屋中闻到这些气息。One may sniff traces of that air in the Funhouse.

现在你可以闻一闻香味就得到同样的效果。Now you can sniff a fragrance and get the same effect.

我相信我的股票经纪人会帮你找出一些好股票。I bet my broker could sniff out some good ones for you.

一米阳光,嗅到阳光的味道了吗?One meter sunshine, can you sniff the smell of sunshine?

这只幼熊玩转着几块石头,给世界带来了惊喜。The cub navigated some rocks and gave the world a sniff.

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所以最终你知道或许你可以闻出你的意中人。So eventually you know maybe you can sniff the right man out.

黑熊在一块长满岩藻的砾石上驻足,嗅着空气中的气味。The bear pauses on a patch of rockweed algae to sniff the air.

先花点时间让它熟悉周围环境,四处嗅嗅,然后再安顿下来。Allow time to let it explore, sniff around and then settle down.