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这份考察报告,可以支持“小句中枢”的理论和观点。This paper can be an attestation of the Theory of Clausal Pivot.

概念外壳名词的从句信息是其重要用法。The clausal information of a shell noun is an essential part of its usage.

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老公,在你呵护下我长胖了三斤,那条项链有些紧。Husband, protect at you I gained flesh three, that clausal chain is some tight.

本文着重阐述以小句动词为核心的翻译方法。This paper mainly expounds the translation approach of taking clausal verb as a core.

关于分句语法主语的择用原则问题各路学者作出了很多论述。There are a lot of principles for the choice of clausal grammatical subject by many scholars.

以“小句中枢”说为基本理论背景,将韩汉两种语言“原因”表达进行对比。"Clausal Pivot" is the basic background of theory and contrast Korean with Chinesein the aspect of "causal" expression.

主谓谓语句是汉语独具特色又较为常见的句式。Clausal predicate is a special but normal sentence structure in the Chinese language which always exists in the history.

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人们认为美国队将赢得这场足球赛,彼得也是这样想的,我却认为并非如此。People believe that the American team will win the football game. Peter think so , but I believe not . clausal substitution.

小说中人物的评价意义可由词汇,语法,句法层面以明示或暗含的方式表达。The evaluative meanings of the character in the novel can be conveyed at lexical, grammatical and clausal levels either explicitly or implicitly.

文章以“小句中枢理论”与“搭配理论”为背景,综合运用了“两个三角”研究方法、搭配研究方法、统计手段以及聚类分析等多种跨学科研究方法。Based on the Theory of Clausal Pivot and the Collocation Theory, the use and distribution of the relation markers of compound sentences are studied in this paper.

因而很难反映规则塑造和秩序扩展的实际的复杂过程和生动的而非条文式的特点。Therefore, which are not very enough for reflecting the real complexity process and, lively and not clausal characteristics of rule's formation and order's spread.

第三章讨论了保险合同解除的形式,本文认为保险合同解除的形式包括法定解除和约定解除,但不包括协议解除和附解除条件。According to the clauses, forms of contract rescission are theoretically divided into arranged rescission and legal rescission, and analyzed and defined in clausal sequences.

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在信息的构建和理解过程中,小句层面上的语法隐喻体现方式为新闻报导的动态编码和解码提供了基础和起点。In the generation and comprehension process of message, grammatical metaphorical realization at the clausal level plays a vital role in the dynamic encoding of news reporting.

要获得对分句其他成分进行分级的能力,这些副词或其对应的形容词必定经历了某种语义变化。In order for them to be capable of imposing scalar readings on other clausal elements, the adverbs themselves, or the corresponding adjectives, must have undergone a semantic change.