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他因绑架而被捕。He got done for kidnapping.

绑架,甚至谋杀。Kidnapping and even murder.

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我敢打赌,这件绑架案他肯定参与了。I bet he had a hand in the kidnapping.

男孩自导自演了这起绑架案。The boy had staged his own kidnapping.

在哥伦比亚最大的问题是绑架。Kidnapping is the main worry in Colombia.

我是在找死,或者等着被绑架。I was courting death or at least a kidnapping.

以假旗帜航海,纵火,绑票。Sailing under false colors, arson, kidnapping.

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她遭绑架期间被人灌下了大量麻醉药。She was heavily drugged during the kidnapping.

有人可以给我的绑架集点卡盖章吗?Could someone stamp my frequent kidnapping card?

他绑架的目的只是为了讹钱。He did the kidnapping as a way of extorting money.

一男子绑架一5岁女孩,劝说无效后被警察击毙。Man shot dead after kidnapping 5-year-old in Beijing.

绑架罪的犯罪构成特征。The characteristics of constituting a kidnapping crime.

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这么厉害?我还以为他们就是人口贩子而已呢。This violently? I thought they were kidnapping someone.

他命令保罗诅咒绑架的幕后主使者。He commands Paolo to curse the man behind the kidnapping.

有一名罗伯特·米切尔已因绑架罪被捕。Another Robert L. Mitchell had been arrested for kidnapping.

抢婚是人类社会某一历史阶段的产物。The marriage by kidnapping was the result of mankind society.

重庆一18岁女孩假装被绑架以测试警察工作效率。A 18 year old girl fakes kidnapping to test police efficiency.

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据说绑架杜兹是汤姆策划的。Tom was alleged to be the brains behind the Dozier kidnapping.

林德伯格绑架案一直迷惑着人们。The Lindbergh kidnapping has continued to fascinate the public.

人身权利是本罪的主要客体。Therefore personal right is the main object of kidnapping crime.