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我们要有远大的抱负。We need to be ambitious.

要求有点高了That's a little ambitious.

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神造我们成为有愿望的人。God created us to be ambitious.

壮志雄心地投入到食品营养的研发上。For its ambitious nutrition R&D.

当然,我对你们有企图心。Of course, I'm ambitious for you.

他极欲得到更多的钱。He was ambitious to get the money.

这项计划雄心勃勃。The program is laudably ambitious.

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他是一个非常聪明且野心勃勃的家伙。He's a very smart and ambitious guy.

他的研究目标是有雄心的。The aim of his research was ambitious.

这位电影明星切望喝彩。The move star is ambitious of applause.

有雄心的人不满足于模仿.The ambitious are not content to imitate.

反而变得急功近利,好高骛远。But has become profit-oriented, ambitious.

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你喜欢拖延还是喜欢说到做到?Do you procrastinate or are you ambitious?

但是,也许贝宝是最有雄心壮志的。But perhaps nobody is as ambitious as PayPal.

弗洛伊德是一位雄心勃勃的优秀学生。Freud was a good student, and very ambitious.

首先,你们的议程雄心勃勃,勇气十足。First, your agenda is ambitious and courageous.

在这种艰难的时局中,人们期待决策层作出高姿态的反应。Such pain demands an ambitious policy response.

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想像一个你自己做梦也不敢想的目标。Imagine an insanely ambitious goal for yourself.

他们冒然采取一项野心勃勃的改革计画。They ventured on an ambitious program of reform.

我有一个年轻与雄心万丈的中国朋友。I have a very young and ambitious Chinese friend.