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见选配毛毯及一味太舒服了!See matching blankets and comfy cozies too!

你可以用女装背心和舒服的长裤来搭配。Match the top with a camisole and comfy pants.

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阿舒适的小俱乐部,良好的党和跳舞。A comfy little Club, good for party and dancing.

舒适的大沙发,大屏幕电视机,是每个男人的梦想。Comfy couches, big-screen TV, every man's dream.

宽松舒适的鞋子可以成就一个快乐的旅行者。Comfy slip-on type shoes equals a happy traveler.

鞋内衬吸汗快干里料,使足部保持干燥舒适。Moisture-wicking lining keeps feet dry and comfy.

选一把舒服的椅子,最好有扶手。Choose a comfy chair, preferably one with arm rests.

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这是所有贴的照片中最爱的一个造型,那么舒适时髦。My fav of all these looks I post, so comfy and chic.

有些人喜欢舒适的封闭系统,但有些人不喜欢。Some people like a closed comfy system and others don't.

柔软舒适电缆羊毛衬里针织棉大衣。Soft and comfy cable knit cotton coat with fleece lining.

你会感觉相当舒适的羊毛裤这些甜。You'll be feeling pretty sweet in these comfy fleece pants.

它有点油,所以我用的时候一般穿着我不心疼的舒服的衣服。It’s a bit oily, so I wear comfy clothes I don’t worry about.

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选双色彩鲜艳又舒服的鞋子好好过个美丽的暑假唷!Go to pick a colorful and comfy pair for the beautiful summer!

营造一个舒适的地方,放上地毯,枕头和一些零食。Set up a comfy area complete with blankets, pillows and munchies.

好舒服,我要躺在上面。It’s that comfy let me on it. So comfortable the A Fontaine Echo bed.

我有一件旧T恤和一条利维斯牛仔裤,这是我最舒服的衣服。I have an old T-shirt and pair of Levis that are my most comfy outfit.

相濡以沫的夫妇,可爱懂事的孩子,组成幸福之家!Comfy of couple , lovely , intelligently childs , made up a blessed family !

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建议你停下车子,爬出舒服的座椅,好好端详一下你面前的这个对手。Get out of your comfy seat, and have a damn good look at what you’re up against.

在给自己的冰凳找好舒适的位置后,她开始在冰上划圈切冰了。After positioning her comfy stool, she started to make a circular cut in the ice.

舒适并且在3年内保证不破洞,过夜就干。Comfy and guaranteed hole-free for 3 years and to dry overnight, virtually always.