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是诺米的孪生姐妹。Naomi's twin sister.

她们是孪生姐妹。They are twin sisters.

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丽莎是我的孪生姐妹。Lisa was my twin sister.

那是你双胞胎弟弟吗?Is that your twin brother?

对了,在中国成对儿的石塔中啊。Oh, yeah, of China's twin.

你和你的夫人一间价格为1500元的双人房。A twin room for Mr. and Mrs.

她是克莱儿的孪生姊妹。She is Claire's twin sister.

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瘦弱的双胞胎锡匠。Tim , the thin twin tinsmith.

这对孪生姐妹都很胖。Both the twin sisters are fat.

我更喜欢房间有两张一样的单人床。I prefer a room with twin beds.

牛津和波恩是友好城市。Oxford and Bonn are twin towns.

给瘦瘦的孪生锡匠的茶。Tea for the thin twin tinsmith.

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是的。他们有一对双胞胎!Yes, they do. They have a twin.

我抬眼看看那比翼齐飞的风筝。I looked up at those twin kites.

马克。吐温是一位美国作家。Marke Twin is an English writer.

我和露西·金是双胞胎姐妹。Lucy King and I are twin sisters.

她妻子生了一对双胞胎女孩。His wife gave birth to twin girls.

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我给那对孪生姐妹拍了一张照片。I took a shot of the twin sisters.

那孪生兄弟互相爱护。The twin brothers love each other.

你分得清这两个孪生“姐妹”吗?。Can you tell the twin sisters apart?