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这位是恩宝。This is Amber.

安伯可能是什么意思呢?What can Amber mean?

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莫许杯深琥珀浓。Don't cup thick deep amber.

这个礼物就是琥珀屋。This gift was the Amber Room.

安伯是惟一真实的世界。Amber is the one , true world.

珊瑚的扣子和琥珀纽的晶彩。Thy coral clasps and amber studs.

配上珊瑚钩扣,把琥珀镶嵌With coral clasps and amber studs

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采洁的头颈那里有一颗小痣。Amber has a tiny mole on her neck.

珊瑚作勾,琥珀作扣。With coral clasps and amber studs.

你好.安姆博.见到你真好.Hello, Amber. It's good to see you.

在火焰里凝结的琥珀和紫晶。In flames of amber and of amethyst.

采洁在节食?你在开玩笑吧?Amber is on a diet? Are you kidding?

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任何东西都不能阻碍我喜欢郭采洁。Nobody hinders me from loving amber.

天文台发出黄色暴雨警告信号。HKO issued the amber rainstorm signal.

足以匹配我们良宵的金琥珀色藏酒。A golden amber lager to match our night.

采洁在歌唱方面有着不寻常的能力。Amber has remarkable ability in singing.

夏季这里都是琥珀色蓝天下的土地。Summer is amber land under a sky of blue.

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琥珀色彩艳丽,呈黄褐色。Amber has a beautiful yellow-brown colour.

你好,很荣幸见到你木秀于林。欢迎到这儿来。Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you, Amber.

我刚才在人群中看到采洁一闪而过。I glimpsed Amber among the crowd just now.