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还将评估再次输入疾病的风险。Risks of reintroduction of the disease is also assessed.

它的数量已经翻倍,这也是多亏了野外放生。Its numbers have doubled, also due to reintroduction efforts.

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2009年另一项规则的变动是光头胎的重现。Another rule change for 2009 will see the reintroduction of slick tyres.

野生物贸易研究委员会表示,像这样的豢养虎并不适合野放。Such farmed tigers are unsuitable for reintroduction into the wild, TRAFFIC says.

你赞唔赞成九七年后既区议会增加委任议席?。Do you agree to the reintroduction of appointed seats into the District Boards after 1997?

因此,在将圈养出生的大熊猫真正放归野外时,必须考虑这些因素的影响。These factors should be taken into consideration during the reintroduction of captive-born giant pandas.

路人报警后,警方证实其携带艾滋病毒,抓捕后又无处可送,只能放归。Passers-alarm, the police confirmed that HIV, arresting and then nowhere to be sent, only reintroduction.

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农场主门更担心的是白尾雕的重新引进,这种雕是英国唯一比金雕体型更大的鸟类了。However, farmers are more concerned by the reintroduction of the only bigger British bird, the white-tailed eagle.

以上结果表明,宁陕县适于开展朱鹮再引入试验。The above-mentioned results indicate that Ningshan county is suitable for reintroduction test of the Crested Ibis.

萨科琳补充道,“黄山国家公园和洛基山正是由于灰狼的回归,大批旅游才前往该地去旅游。”The reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone National Park and the Rocky Mountains have been a huge tourist draw.

它们的重新引入工作刚刚起步,1982年,这个种群最低仅剩22只,现在已经增至三倍了。A major reintroduction effort is underway, and from a low of 22 individuals in 1982, the population has now tripled.

该中心负责樱花钩吻鲑的繁殖与研究,好让牠们在自然栖息地复育。The Center is responsible for breeding and doing research on the salmon for reintroduction into their natural habitat.

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中国在20世纪70年代后期重新推广了家庭承包制,这增加了粮食产量并减少了农村贫穷。And China's reintroduction of household farming in the late 1970s increased grain production and reduced rural poverty.

也因此,再引回计画不只将象龟送回美国,也可增加这物种的存活机会。Thus, the reintroduction not only repatriates the tortoise to the U. S. , it increases the species' chance for survival.

好在,一项帮助物种再次繁荣的计划正在行动,以图让这种英国仅有的本土睡鼠物种的数量有所增加。Fortunately, an ongoing reintroduction plan is helping to increase the numbers of Britain’s only native dormouse species.

Hoffmann说,“而现在,通过人工繁殖和放归自然,它们的数量出现了戏剧性的恢复。”Now, largely through captive breeding and reintroduction efforts, they have seen dramatic recoveries in their populations.

这件事使他下决心在封闭的环境中再次驯养狼崽,使他们能够适应野外生存和狩猎。That’s how he decided to practice reintroduction to get wolf offspring in captivity who could be capable of living outside later and hunt.

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想要顺利达成这样的任务,必须小心翼翼的将牠们一只只野放到妥善保护的地区,并且长期监测。Safe reintroduction of a species back to the wild will likely rely on small, cautious releases onto protected land and long-term monitoring.

伊苏不完全重新设计的纽森的音乐,但它是如此令人印象深刻的,它就像一个重新将是什么让她如此特殊人才。Ys isn't exactly a reinvention of Newsom's music, but it's so impressive that it's like a reintroduction to what makes her talent so special.

Haynes称她经常和友好的人一起散步,一点点重新接受军队生活的喧闹,帮助她克服了恐惧。Frequent walks among friendly people and a gradual reintroduction to the noises of military life have begun to overcome her fears, Haynes said.