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我只要求一点经手之劳。I only ask a brokerage.

经手费是主要的收入。The main income is brokerage.

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他们没有付给我们经手费。They don't give us brokerage.

存款为支付,节省,或经纪业而存起来的钱。Money deposited for checking savings or brokerage use.

在一家股票经纪办事处当一名行情报价学徒。I got a job as quotation-board boy in a stock brokerage office.

的,越来越多的研究者开始看跌证券类股。And, more and more researchers began to bearish brokerage shares.

光大证券将成为第二家进行IPO的中国证券公司。It would be only the second Chinese brokerage firm to launch an IPO.

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Hodara称他的公司是第一家由学生运营的房地产经纪公司。Hodara calls his company the first student-run real estate brokerage.

将我的经纪帐户转移给史考特证券。请将邮寄表格给我。Transfer my brokerage account to Scottrade. Please send me the forms.

合并期间,本公司及各营业部经纪业务照常进行。Merger, the Company and the Department of brokerage business as usual.

但是如果你重组的是可征税的经纪账户,你就会受制于收税。If it’s a taxable brokerage account, then you will be subject to taxes.

不做号子英雄,吴心慧是个快乐的保险业务员。A brokerage yuppie no longer, Wu Hsin-hui now works happily in insurance.

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而保险经纪公司,主要靠提取期交保单续期佣金。In order to make profit, Insurance Brokerage Company must expand quickly.

机构经纪的大量客户已经流失到高盛等公司。Prime brokerage has been haemorrhaging clients to Goldman Sachs and others.

史考特证券对美国境内与境外居民的收费方式有何不同?Does Scottrade charge additional fees for an international brokerage account?

此外,他也未透露交行打算入股的券商名称。Mr. Jiang also didn't identify the local brokerage the bank plans to invest in.

蒙塔纳罗是在线折扣券商——TradeKing公司的执行官。Montanaro is chief executive officer of TradeKing, an online discount brokerage.

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期货交易所和期货经纪机构提取准备金的问题。Issues on withdrawal of reserve by futures exchanges and futures brokerage companies.

而且这通常涉及凭保证金额度买进——也就是说,从经纪人那里借钱。And it usually involved buying on margin – that is, borrowing money from the brokerage.

我在股票经纪人事务所找到了一份报价的工作,并且我对数字很敏感。I got a job as quotation-board boy in a stock brokerage office. I was quick at figures.