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若不进行治疗,低体温症能致死。If not treated, hypothermia can be deadly.

设计了一亚低温治疗器并作了详细的分析。A hypothermia unit is designed and analyzed in detail.

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此时应迅速寻求急诊来救治可能的低体温症。Seek emergency help right away for possible hypothermia.

康维清楚35小时后会出现体温下降的情况。Conway knew that hypothermia would set in after 35 hours.

低温症患者需要尽快就医。Hypothermia victims need medical help as soon as possible.

这种治疗有时被称为降温治疗。This kind of treatment is sometimes called hypothermia therapy.

他徒步旅行时穿得有些单薄,因此感觉浑身发冷。He was underdressed for the hiking trip and suffered hypothermia.

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她徒步旅行时穿得有些薄弱,因此以为浑身发冷。She was underdressed for the hiking trip and suffered hypothermia.

他们也面临体温过低和溺水的危险。The challenges they face include hypothermia and death by drowning.

目的利用人工冷海水制做犬重度体温过低症模型。Objective To make a model of severe hypothermia using cold seawater.

有他在就不用担心她会被冷的牙齿打颤。Never mind if her teeth were chattering from life-threatening hypothermia.

方法体外循环采用中度低温、轻度血液稀释法。Methods Moderate hypothermia and slight hemodilution were used during the ECC.

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用低温冰箱测试凝固融化过程材料的均匀稳定性。The hypothermia refrigerator was used to determine the uniformity and stability.

亚低温明显减轻缺血脑组织病理学损伤。Mild hypothermia significantly ameliorated the histopathological damage in brain.

如果天在下雨,人们甚至能在零上的温度中产生低体温症。People can even develop hypothermia at temperatures above freezing if it's raining.

但是除了有准备的人,户外娱乐也意味着冻疮和低温。But unless someone is prepared, outdoor fun can also mean frostbite and hypothermia.

选择性头部亚低温治疗新生儿HIE是有效的、安全的。There are no side effects in the treatment of HIE with elective cephalic hypothermia.

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上周我们谈了如何避免体温降低和其他寒冷天气下的损伤的方法。We talked last week about ways to avoid hypothermia and other cold-weather injuries.

幸存者正日益遭受急性呼吸道感染和低体温的折磨。Increasingly, survivors are suffering from acute respiratory infections and hypothermia.

手术期间动物发生死亡的主要原因,常为体温过低所致,不在麻醉或手术本身。A major cause of surgical mortality is not the anesthesia or the surgery but hypothermia.