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谁泡的菊花茶呀?好香哦!Who brewed this chrysanthemum tea?

菊花傲霜斗雪。The chrysanthemum resists the snow.

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香菊加油!The fragrant chrysanthemum refuels!

这茶有淡淡的菊花味。The tea tasted faintly of chrysanthemum.

谁泡的菊花茶呀?好香哦!And brewed this pot of chrysanthemum tea.

我们喝着菊花酒,吃着点心。We drink chrysanthemum wine, and eat cakes.

秋天,正是赏菊的最好季节。It is fall, the best season for chrysanthemum.

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明晨在菊花台等候觐见。On the Chrysanthemum Terrace tomorrow morning.

秋天,开得最旺得是菊花。Autumn, , open the most-wang was a chrysanthemum.

菊花茶听起来很有意思。我能尝尝吗?Chrysanthemum sounds interesting. Can I try that?

他也曾承诺给这座菊花宝座带来变革。He pledged to transform the Chrysanthemum throne.

然后把菊花水隔滤,备用。Then Filtrate The chrysanthemum water. Set aside.

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这是头上簪菊的变俗。This is on hairpin chrysanthemum changes vulgarly.

怒江,九月,菊花的清香还在。Nu River, September, chrysanthemum fragrance still.

OPAL的施用能延长小菊开花的花期。OPAL can prolong the bloom period of Chrysanthemum.

菊花酒的酿造十分独特。The chrysanthemum flower wine is unique in brewing.

因怎么挑选蜂蜜和菊花茶?Because how choose honey and chrysanthemum scented tea?

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现在就让我们一起慢慢地品味菊花茶。Now let's take our time to savor the chrysanthemum tea.

给我来一杯地道的杭白菊。Give me a cup of authentic Hang White Chrysanthemum Tea.

圣诞菊开圣诞节,思念过往恩师情。Chrysanthemum open Christmas, Christmas teacher miss past.