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然而成功也要有资格限制。But the success needs qualification.

他获得了销售合格证。He has got a qualification for saling.

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我明年才具资格。I will get my qualification next year.

其二是关于主体资格。Second about the subject qualification.

他们具备获得成功的各种条件。They had every qualification for success.

这似乎是当运将的唯一的条件。This seems to be their big qualification.

大家都怕口语资格考试。We all dread the oral qualification exam.

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另外一个限制是破产成本The other qualification is bankruptcy costs.

负责协调直接管理产品认证。Coordinate and direct qualification functions.

他弄到了开酒吧的合格证。He has got the qualification for opening a pub.

申请这个工作你得要平枝旬子具有的条件是什么?。What qualification have you got to have for this job?

加上这个量的修饰词,烦恼随之而来。Now adding that qualification opens the door to a worry.

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你的资历在别国不予承认。Your qualification is not recognized in other countries.

国际中学文凭同样为本地大学认可的大学入学资格。IB is also a valid qualification for non-JUPAS admission.

提供庄园、酿发厂资质证明。Provide manors' and breweries' qualification certificate.

这是好消息,但有一个重要限定条件。This is good news, but it has an important qualification.

我不带任何条件地接受这项法令的修正案。I welcome the amendment to the bill without qualification.

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不过,至少可以证明其具备似乎可信的资格。But at least a plausible qualification can be demonstrated.

我们的目标是在本轮结束战斗,确保晋级。Our object is to close the round and seal the qualification.

草捆密度是压捆机的重要技术指标之一。The density of bale is a significant qualification of baler.