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全国上下的人民更加爱戴莉儿公主了。Up and down the country people more loved lill princess.

她让莉尔打一封信,然后便离开了。She directed Lill to type a single letter, and then left.

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第二次,她打了一段,但还是错了很多。On her second attempt, Lill got through a full paragraph, but still made many mistakes.

日子一每天从前,莉儿持续着她的公车旅行,父亲则继承关怀着她的工作。As the days passed, Lill continued to ride and her father continued to ask about her job-hunting.

第二次,她打了一段,但还是错了良多。On her second attempt, Lill got through a full paragraph, moncler quincy, but still made many mistakes.

莉儿踏上了通往卡哈特公司办公室的长长楼梯,生平第一次,她小心翼翼地扣响了一扇陌生的门。Apply Within. "She walked up the long flight of stairs to the . Cautiously, Lill knocked on her very first door."

莉儿用结结巴巴的英语说对那个秘书职位很感兴趣,并谎称自己已经19岁了。In her broken English, Lill told her she was interested in the secretarial position, falsely stating that she was 19.

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莉儿踏上了通往卡哈特公司办公室的长长楼梯,生平第一次,她小心翼翼地扣响了一扇陌生的门。walked up the long flight of stairs to the Carhartt Company offices. Cautiously, Lill knocked on her very first door.

那是1922年,对于一个英语并非母语,而所受的教育和培训又有限的女孩来说,莉儿的未来并不怎么看好。In 1922, with English as her second language and limited education and skills, the future didn't look bright for Lill.

莉儿踏上了通往卡哈特公司办公室的长长楼梯,生平第一次,她小心翼翼地扣响了一扇陌生的门。walked up the long flight12 of stairs to the Carhartt Company offices. Cautiously, Lill knocked on her very first door.

莉儿踏上了通往卡哈特公司办公室的长长楼梯,生平第一次,她胆大妄为地扣响了一扇生疏的门。Apply Within. "She walked up the long flight of stairs to the Carhartt Company offices. Cautiously, Lill knocked on her very first door."

莉儿踏上了通往卡哈特公司办公室的长长楼梯,生平第一次,她小心翼翼地扣响了一扇陌生的门。Apply Within. "She walked up the long flight12 of stairs to the Carhartt Company offices. Cautiously, Lill knocked on her very first door."

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16岁那年,父亲认为“莉儿学得已经够用了”,硬要她辍学挣钱,贴补家用。At the age of 16, her father thought "Lill has had enough schooling,"and she was forced to drop out of school to contribute to the family income.

在黛安·丽老师和玛丽亚·斯根巴蒂老师带领孩子们考察之前,孩子们对学校附近的这个小溪并没有太多的了解,也很少去考察它。Before their visits, according to Lill and Sgambati, the children often have no idea that there's a stream near their school, much less have visited it.

黛安·丽老师在地形图上指出斯利戈溪流入阿纳卡斯塔河,再流入波托马克河,最后流入切萨皮克海湾,汇入大西洋。Lill indicates on the map how Sligo Creek leads to the Anacostia River then to the Potomac, which eventually dumps to the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean.