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他是昆季会的一员。He is a fraternity brother.

这个互助会可接纳4名新会员。The fraternity may bid four new men.

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他是医务界的一员。He's a member of the medical fraternity.

那个兄弟会里的成员都是好色之徒。All the guys in that fraternity are horny.

爱弥儿的友爱在舞会上充分地显示了出来。Emil's fraternity rather prided itself upon its dances.

有点像个兄弟会,在一起拼命工作。It was sort of like a fraternity that worked very hard.

作家最喜欢写的一个主题是人类的博爱。One of writer's favourite themes is the fraternity of mankind.

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加入一个社团或者联谊会,又或者是学生会。Join a club, or a fraternity or sorority, or the student council.

总统希望请一两个中国人来,以增加四海之内皆兄弟的气氛。The president wants a Chinese face or two to add to the fraternity.

布鲁尼先生笔下的“永远的兄弟会成员”希望成为一个好总统。Mr Bruni’s “timeless fraternity boy” wanted to be a great president.

要是你经常通过男生联谊会收发信件,就把它的地址写下来,这样方便联系。If it's the fraternity where the people take the message and you get it.

那些遍及全球的研究纳博科夫的古怪学究们吵得不亦乐乎。The eccentric, worldwide fraternity of Nabokov scholars had a field day.

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这项调查是在一名学生在兄弟会吸毒过度之后开始的。The investigation began after a student overdosed at a fraternity house.

总统希望请一、两位中国人出席,以增强四海一家的气氛。Ex. 8 The President wants a Chinese face or two to add to the fraternity.

重大的危难包涵着美,它能让陌生者之间显现友爱之情。Great perils have beauty, they bring to light the fraternity of strangers.

本人性格开朗、待人诚恳、团结友爱。I cheerful personality, treat people with sincerity, unity and fraternity.

有个美国电影叫“动物之家”,讲述了一个很疯狂的男大学生联谊会。There's this American movie "Animal House" about this like, crazy fraternity.

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现在我十分感激他们没选择我加入他们傻逼的兄弟会。And I am actually glad that they didn't choose me for their stupid fraternity.

我讲不出来多少,因为在这方面兄弟会对我帮助很大。I can't really say much because the fraternity has helped me so much with that.

现在所有的兄弟会,姐妹会和学生会都禁止饮酒。Now alcohol is banned from all fraternity and sorority houses and university housing.