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我们决定中止这项程序。We decided to abort the program.

有些感冒可不治而愈。Some colds abort without treatment.

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请关闭这个程序再重试。Would you like to abort or try again?

医生只得给孕妇堕胎。The doctor had to abort the pregnancy.

上尉指示他们中止执行任务。The captain instructed them to abort the mission.

确认的话按下轨迹球,按其他键取消。Press Trackball to confirm, any other key to abort.

月牙形和不规则形的败育小孢子。Abort microspore in crescent or irregular shape. 26.

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向打印设备输出时遇到写故障中止,重试?Write fault error writing device PRN , Abort , Retry?

简而言之,这里所进行的一切都是为了摧毁塔利班的剩余力量。Which is, in short, to abort what's larboard of the Taliban.

说明如何建立、开始、暂停、继续和中止执行绪。Explains how to create, start, pause, resume, and abort threads.

在大孢子母细胞分裂产生的四个孢子中,三个会解体消失。Of the four products of a megaspore mother cell, three usually abort.

这项检测还存在一个潜在的担忧,女性可能会没有怀上想要性别的胎儿而选择堕胎。One potential worry is that women might abort fetuses of an undesired sex.

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一个妇女即使没有设法堕胎,也可能会遭到逮捕。A woman doesn’t even have to be trying to abort to find herself under arrest.

堕胎青少年比意外怀孕分娩青少年的境况更好吗?Are teens who abort better off than teens who carry an unplanned pregnancy to term?

怀孕的妇女能让她们的孩子还未出生就夭折吗?Or should pregnant women be able to abort their children before they are even born?

但我们不会只因为自我受到打击而放弃我们的伴侣或中止恋爱进程。But we do not abandon our partner or abort the process just because our ego takes a hit.

堕胎的青少年中酗酒,吸食大麻和可卡因的可能性比其同龄人高一倍。Teens who abort are twice as likely as their peers to abuse alcohol, marijuana, or cocaine.

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还有其他优点,例如中止请求的能力,也是CORS自带的。There are other advantages, such as the ability to abort requests, that also comes with CORS.

它的顶端装着模拟的战神一号第二节、猎户星座太空舱和发射中止系统。It is capped with a mock-up of the Ares I second stage, Orion capsule and launch abort system.

不完全流产、副作用和可接受性是我们关心的主要结果。Failure to abort completely, side-effects and acceptability were the main outcomes of interest.