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不要拥有贵重物品。Don’t own valuables.

我可以把贵重物品存这儿吗?Can you keep my valuables?

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能代为保管贵重物品吗?Could you keep my valuables?

能寄存贵重物品吗?Can you look after my valuables?

她把所有贵重物品都锁在保险柜里。She locked all her valuables in a safe.

窃贼在左寻右找值钱的东西。The burglar moused about for valuables.

保管好贵重物品,锁上车门。Keep valuables safe and car doors locked.

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我把我的一切贵重物品妥为保藏。I keep all my valuables under lock and key.

有,我可以将贵重物品寄存在这里吗?Yes , I have . Can Ideposit valuables here ?

梅里尔夫人把她的贵重物品放在保险箱里。Mrs. Merrill keeps her valuables in a strongbox.

你需要变卖你所有有价值的东西去付税金的。You needs all your valuables to sell for that tax money.

别把贵重物品放在显眼处招贼.Don't tempt thieves by leaving valuables clearly visible.

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酒店提供保险箱存放贵重品。The hotel provides safe deposit boxes for your valuables.

我要把贵重品寄存于保险箱。I 'd like to deposit my valuables in a safety deposit box.

她把宝石、钱及其他贵重物品存在银行里。She keeps her jewels, money, and other valuables in the bank.

如果将贵重物品放在家里,或许会失丢或被窃.If kept in you own home,your valuables might be lost or stolen.

您的行李里面有易碎或贵重的物品吗?May I know are there any breakable or valuables inside your luggage?

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但我们常常把值钱的东西放在拉登那儿,因为他从来不私吞。We used to leave our valuables with Osama, because he never cheated.

事后太子回到府上愤怒不已,连砸数十贵重物品。After the prince back outraged at home, even hit dozens of valuables.

有人警告她有盗匪,她把贵重物品都留在家里。Having been warned about the bandits, she left her valuables at home.