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他将盒盖拿掉。He uncovered the box.

揭开了巨大的纱幕。I have uncovered the grand veil.

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警方破获了一项阴谋。The police have uncovered a plot.

我们挖掘到恐龙的骨骸了。We uncovered a bone of a dinosaur.

国王出现时,人人脱帽致敬。Everyone uncovered when the king appeared.

谋害总统的阴谋败露了。A plot was uncovered against the President.

女王出现时,人人都脱帽致敬。Everyone uncovered when the Queen appeared.

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信号响时,人人脱帽致敬。Everyone uncovered when the signal sounded.

他们发现了一个反对这项计划的阴谋。They have uncovered a plot against the plan.

他揭开盘子的盖儿给我们看吃的东西。He uncovered the dish and showed us the food.

警察当局破获了一起阴谋抢劫案。The police have uncovered a scheme of robbery.

第二次就诊时手术暴露植体。Implant is uncovered at a second surgical visit.

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瓦里安·乌瑞恩国王揭露了她的阴谋并杀掉了她。King Varian Wrynn uncovered her plot and slew her.

有一个新研究能揭示其本质线索。A new study might have uncovered an essential clue.

联办调查局的官员声称他们破获了一个俄罗斯间谍网络.The FBI claimed to have uncovered a Russian spy ring.

医生解去绷带,使伤口露了出来。Taking off the bandage, the doctor uncovered the wound.

我进厨房时,那盘菜已被揭开。The dish had been uncovered when I entered the kitchen.

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在街上遇到老板时他脱帽致敬。He uncovered his head when he met his boss in the street.

加入肉丸煮,不要让酱覆盖肉丸。Add your meatballs and let simmer uncovered with the sauce.

我们突然行动攻击敌人的右翼。By a sudden movement we uncovered the enemy 's right flank.