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我所看到的都是可朽之物。I see only the perishable.

水果在运送途中容易腐烂。Fruits are perishable in transit.

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亦真亦幻的填满我易逝的童年。Living in fill my perishable childhood.

自然主义与脆弱的环境Naturalism and the Perishable Environment

我们这里恐怕不能受理易腐烂的物品。I'm afraid we can't accept perishable goods.

码头上易腐烂的货物堆积如山。Perishable goods are piling up at the docks.

如何才能保障易腐食品食用的安全性?How can we protect the safety of perishable food?

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易腐的食物应储存在冰箱里。Perishable food should be stored in refrigerator.

易腐烂的货物在运输途中容易损坏。Perishable goods are subject to damage in transit.

易腐的食物应储存在冰箱里。Perishable food should be stored in a refrigerator.

容易变坏的食物应盖好存放于雪柜中。Store perishable food in refrigerator. Keep it well covered.

典型的货物搬到高要求,高价值,易腐烂变质。Typical goods moved are high demand, high value, perishable.

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热量会大大加快易腐食品的腐烂。Heat greatly accelerates the deterioration of perishable foods.

如何才能保证易腐食品的优良品质?How can we guarantee the excellent quality of perishable foods?

让我们首先看看易腐农产品的情况。Let's take a look first at perishable agricultural commodities.

卡莱茵先生说,烤的坚果比生的更容易坏。Toasted nuts are even more perishable than raw nuts, Mr.Klein said.

卡莱茵先生说,烤的坚果比生的更容易坏。Toasted nuts are even more perishable than raw nuts, Mr. Klein said.

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当然,我们能看到的,仅限于那些不易损坏的事物上的文字Of course, what we have is confined to things that are not perishable.

不同于易腐烂的农产品,石油可以长期埋在地下。Unlike perishable agricultural products, oil can be stored in the ground.

如何可以提高我们的生活质量,减少易腐食品的损失?How can improve our quality of life and reduce the loss of perishable food?