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这窗子是由玻璃制成的。The window ism ade of glass.

拉马克学说是很有吸引力的。Lamarck ism is very appealing.

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神智学是神秘学的一个分支。Theosophy is one branch of occult ism.

米强是米佳的弟弟,却不在家。M ism good brother strong, but not at home.

绵延是柏格森生命哲学的核心概念。Duration is the central conception in bergson ism.

供应管理协会指数4月时才为40.1,5月就涨到了的51.1。The ISM index rose to 42.8 in May from 40.1 in the month before.

这个课题将更得益于科学而非什么“主义”和一厢情愿的想法。It would profit from more science and less "ism" and wishful thinking.

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也就是说,在其他因素一样时,铝盖更易冷却。That ism an aluminum head tends t run cooler, other factors being equal.

太阳每天有新久的交替,我的爱也就永远把旧话重提。For as the sun is daily new and old, So ism love still telling what is told.

听所有这些成分就是在纯音乐的层次上听。Listening to all of these elements ism listening on the sheerly musical plane.

反对恐怖主义是各国人民的共同任务。It is there fore a common task for people throughout the world to fight terror ism.

中老年人为党、为主义可以不惜杀身以成仁。The old and middle men would like to devote their lives to follow the party and ism.

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我们担心的是,极端主义并非反全球化浪潮中唯一的“主义”。Extremism is not the only "ism" that we need to worry about among the anti-globalists.

教条主义、经验主义,两者都是主观主义,是从不同的两极发生的东西。Dogmatism and empiric ism alike are subjectivism each originating from an opposite pole.

其次,邻避主义并非为阻碍社会目标,而是针对资本家目标衍生的抗争。Second, NIMBY ism represents a barrier not to societal goals but to the goals of capital.

他是被澳大利亚昆士兰州旅游主管部门的官员选中的。He was selected for the gig by officials from the tour ism department of Queen sland state.

供应管理学会认为,指数低于41.2就表明经济仍在萎缩。That figure would cross the 41.2 threshold the ISM says is associated with a shrinking economy.

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儒家还论证了自由主义工商管理政策的必要性,并对国家干预主义进行了多方面批判。As for business management, the Confucian was in liberal- ism and against interference from State.

这是我们的登机牌,我们不懂英文,所以不知道这上面写得是哪个登机口。Our flight number ism carried bym. Could you tell us what the gate number is and how to get there?

甲状腺功能减退症是一个问题,就是与运动不足有关甲状腺。When our body produces abnormally low thyroid hormone than th is condition is called hypothyroid ism.