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朱迪?加兰我唱不好。I did a mean Judy Garland.

我的名字是Kassidy花环。My name is Kassidy Garland.

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一朵鲜花做不成花环。One flower makes no garland.

你知道我爱茱蒂嘉兰。And you know I love Judy Garland.

我要戴上我婚礼的花冠。I shall put on my wedding garland.

你的冬青花环依旧绿意盎然。He still may leave thy garland green.

为新郎准备好花环。and the garland is ready for the bridegroom.

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安眠药总是让我想起朱迪·贾兰德。Sleeping pills always make me think of Judy Garland.

仙鹤组成一道花环,佯装着起飞。The cranes form a garland in the pretence of flight.

加兰用手掩住嘴巴,小心地打了一个嗝。Garland covered his mouth with his hand and belched discreetly.

而红宝石拖鞋穿茱蒂嘉兰在“绿野仙踪”的电影。And the ruby slippers Judy Garland wore in "The Wizard of Oz" movie.

第三名是影星朱迪·嘉兰在电影“绿野仙踪”中演唱的“跨越彩虹”。Over The Rainbow, sung by Judy Garland in The Wizard of Oz , was third.

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现在每年井陉都要搞一次规模盛大的拉花大赛。Now, the large-scale garland contest will be held in Jingjing every year.

我看见,昨夜我为你编结的花环依然松松地垂在你的发上。I saw that my garland of overnight was still hanging loose from your hair.

迷惑中,我检查了沙发后面的花环——抓住了杰瑞的正在作案的手。Confused, I examined the garland behind the couch—and caught Jeremy red-handed.

深深的牵挂,像一根长藤扎根在人们的魂灵。Deeply concerned about, such as a spary garland Extremely rooted in the people.

在同一片星空下,让远离的你我,共同编织思念的花环。Under the same starry sky, let us, the distant two, weave a garland of missing.

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这部1939年拍摄的电影还算不坏,而且,又有哪个机器人能像铁皮人一样有机会与朱迪·加兰共舞呢?Not bad for 1939. And hey, how many other robots sing and dance with Judy Garland?

手中的雨伞掉落在地,他用双手环住了她。The umbrella in the hand fallen off in the floor, he lived her with the hands garland.

在同一片星空下,让远离的你我共同编织思念的花环。Under the same starry night , let us , the distant two , weave the garland of missing.