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他出发到土伦去。He set out for Toulon.

土伦监牢里的苦役犯。In the galleys at Toulon.

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在土伦,他穿上红色囚衣。At Toulon he was clothed in the red cassock.

我从土伦走来,已经走了四天了。I have been walking for four days since I left Toulon.

法国舰队从土伦逃遁一事反映出了英国的弱点。British weakness was underlined when the French fleet escaped from Toulon.

人们通常把土伦的攻占归功于拿破伦的战略和组织工作。The fall of toulon was generally credited to napoleon's strategy and organization.

他还代表阿根廷出战过土伦杯拿下了第三名。He also represented his nation at the Toulon Tournament where Argentina finished 3rd.

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同时也衷心祝愿土伦旅行的朋友,幸福,健康,快乐永远伴随您!!!!!Also sincerely wish Toulon travel Friend, happiness, health, Happiness Forever With You! ! ! ! !

大卫-恩戈尔有望领衔法国U20的前锋线,他们就会在土伦杯决赛中迎战智利。David Ngog is expected to lead the attack as France U20s take on Chile in the Toulon international final tonight.

阿纳粹的特殊性戳这个讨价还价,他们的特权与内部鲁莽,土伦承诺自我谋杀。A Nazis poke to peculiarity this bargain to their prerogative along with inside recklessness, Toulon commits self-murder.

我们刚才已经说过,“俄里翁号”正是属于那一舰队的,由于海上的风暴,已经驶返土伦港。We have just stated that the Orion belonged to this fleet, and that accidents of the sea had brought it into port at Toulon.

大卫-恩戈尔将会在今晚狭路相逢布鲁纳,正如土伦杯半决赛中阿根廷U20与法国为争取最后一个决赛席位而相逢。David Ngog is competing against Gerardo Bruna tonight as France U20s take on Argentina for a place in the Toulon international final.

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1942年,在第二次世界大战中,法国海军在土伦毁坏自己的军舰使其沉入海底,以免使其落入纳粹手中。In 1942, during World War Two, the French navy at Toulon scuttled its ships and submarines to keep them out of the hands of the Nazis.

1942年,二战期间,土伦的法国海军凿毁战舰和潜艇,以免他们落入纳粹手中。In 1942, during World War Two, the French navy at Toulon scuttled its ships and submarines to keep them out of the hands of the Nazis.

该21岁球员在五月的土伦杯表现上佳,只是被排除在奥运会18人名单外而已。The 21-year-old impressed during the Toulon Tournament victory in May, and he only just missed out on the original 18-man squad for Beijing.

在法国,我最最亲爱的爸爸啊,只需做一半这种程度的手脚,他们就会把您送到土伦去呼吸五年监狱里的空气的呀。In France, my dear sir, half such a piece of effrontery as that would cause you to be quickly despatched to Toulon for five years, for change of air.

法国戴高乐号航空母舰已经离开利比亚的地中海港口土伦,而丹麦和挪威各派出六架飞机。The French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle has left the Mediterranean port of Toulon for Libya, while Denmark and Norway are each sending six planes.

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昨晚比赛对恩戈尔和法国是一种缺憾,他们在星期五晚上土伦杯U20决赛中1比0输给智利。There was disappointment for David Ngog and France after they lost 1-0 to Chile in the final of the Toulon U20 international tournament on Friday night.

土伦大学校长维拉提也指出,最近也有一些中国学生的法语水平并不符合要求。The president of Toulon University, Laroussi Oueslati, recently said a number of Chinese students fell short of the French language skills normally required of foreigners.

有些无知的教士在土伦办了一所囚犯学校,把一些必要的课程教给那些不幸人中的有毅力者。There was at Toulon a school for the convicts, kept by the Ignorantin friars , where the most necessary branches were taught to those of the unfortunate men who had a mind for them.